Gaby Hoffmann Talks about Netflix Series Eric

Gaby Hoffmann Talks about Netflix Series Eric

Benedict Cumberbatch hits new heights with his performance as Vincent in the upcoming Netflix series Eric. In a fascinating interview, Gaby Hoffmann, who plays Vincent’s wife Cassie, shares insights into the making of this emotional thriller set against the gritty backdrop of 1980s New York City. The narrative is deeply enriched by creator Abi Morgan’s distinct style and fresh perspective.

A Chaotic World

Vincent, portrayed by Cumberbatch, is a children’s TV show puppeteer whose life spirals out of control after his nine-year-old son, Edgar, goes missing. Struggling with falling ratings and a troubled marriage, Vincent dives deep into alcohol and madness. “When you’re not properly loved as a child, and not given the space and the opportunity to discover yourself, you struggle with that as life goes on,” Hoffmann notes when discussing her role as Cassie.

Gaby Hoffmann Talks about Netflix Series Eric

The Puppet Transformation

One of the most intriguing aspects of the series is Vincent’s belief that recreating Edgar’s imaginative drawings of a blue puppet named Eric will bring his son back. This puppet comes to life in Vincent’s mind, reflecting his hallucinatory descent and acting as his “shadow self,” embodying all the chaos within him. Cumberbatch himself describes this vision as “a desperate father battling demons both real and imagined.”

Gaby Hoffmann’s Role as Cassie

Gaby Hoffmann Talks about Netflix Series Eric

Depicting the wife tied to this tumultuous journey, Hoffmann expertly portrays Cassie’s resilience and frustration. “I tried to dream about her,” she shared on preparing for her role. She also mentioned how working alongside Cumberbatch was a delight. “It’s miraculous to see what he can do; he brings his whole self to his roles,” Hoffmann added.

Tackling Dark Themes with Delicate Nuances

Eric, written for Netflix by Abi Morgan, known for iconic works like ‘The Iron Lady’ and ‘Shame,’ carves out its own identity amidst other detective genres by focusing deeply on overlapping conflicts and mental health exploration. Morgan explained that despite multiple themes like addiction, family breakdown, racism, corruption, homelessness, and AIDS pandemic layered within the series, it ultimately aims to reflect upon human resilience.

The Unique Setting of New York City in the 80s

Morgan drew inspiration from her visits to New York in her younger years. The show captures the essence of the city with vibrant yet haunting visuals that act almost as another character within the story. Set details like costumes and settings provide authenticity that grounds the fantastical elements brought by Vincent’s hallucinations.

Personal Trauma Reflected in Fiction

Morgan’s personal experiences informed many aspects of Eric. Her struggles and survival through immense personal traumas brought depth to her writing. Discussing this aspect she said, “I wanted to be fearless in my writing” owing to her challenging life events.


Eric, releasing on May 30 on Netflix, promises to be an emotionally charged depiction blending psychological elements with a nostalgic look at 1980s New York City. Through intricate characters like Vincent and Cassie, portrayed brilliantly by Cumberbatch and Hoffmann respectively, it explores the limits faced while grappling with personal loss and profound challenges.

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