FBI International: 6 Potential Exits for Scott Forrester

In the latest season of FBI: International, fans were surprised to see Supervisory Special Agent Scott Forrester, portrayed by Luke Kleintank, mysteriously disappear from the Fly Team. With his final episode already aired on May 7, there’s much speculation about how his exit will be handled in future episodes. Here are six plausible ways Forrester could leave the team.

Scott Forrester Goes Dark

One potential scenario is that Scott Forrester has gone “dark”, a term used within the intelligence community when an agent disappears without a trace. The show’s recent promotional material hints at this possibility, suggesting an intense storyline where Forrester’s whereabouts remain unknown for some time.

FBI International: 6 Potential Exits for Scott Forrester

Family Commitments Calling

Forrester could leave the team to spend more time with his family. This reason aligns perfectly with reality, as showrunner Derek Haas acknowledged, Luke had a baby—he’s an awesome guy and an awesome dad. It’s understandable that the actor would want some time to enjoy fatherhood.

FBI International: 6 Potential Exits for Scott Forrester

A Career Reassignment

Another feasible way for Forrester to bow out gracefully is through a career reassignment within the FBI. Perhaps taking on an instructional role or a stateside desk job where he can be closer to his family would be less dangerous but still impactful.

FBI International: 6 Potential Exits for Scott Forrester

A Noble Sacrifice

Forrester has always put his team first, so it wouldn’t be surprising if he makes a noble sacrifice. Taking responsibility for any significant mission misstep could see him leaving the Fly Team to protect those he cares about. As prophecies go, he could be taking the fall for his squad.

FBI International: 6 Potential Exits for Scott Forrester

Untimely Demise

The grim possibility remains that Forrester could meet an untimely demise. This method of exit is often seen in these crime dramas and serves as a definitive end to character arcs, although it would disappoint fans hoping for a happier resolution.

FBI International: 6 Potential Exits for Scott Forrester

Reuniting with Kellett

Lastly, there’s the heart-warming scenario where Forrester leaves the Fly Team to reunite with Jamie Kellett (Heida Reed), who departed the team earlier in Season 3. A romantic closure could offer fans a satisfying conclusion for both characters.

FBI International: 6 Potential Exits for Scott Forrester

Regardless of how Forrester’s departure is portrayed, it will undoubtedly bring significant changes to FBI: International‘s dynamics. Stay tuned to see how these twists unfold!

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