Emergency Crews Rescue Upside-Down Riders at Portland Amusement Park

Portland’s Oaks Amusement Park witnessed a dramatic incident on June 17, 2024, when twenty-eight people found themselves stuck upside down on the AtmosFEAR ride for nearly half an hour. Emergency Crews Rescue Upside-Down Riders at Portland Amusement Park

The Unexpected Malfunction

Witnesses described the scene as chaos, with people crying and yelling. The exact cause of the ride’s malfunction remains under investigation. Meanwhile, the attraction has been closed indefinitely. Portland Fire & Rescue responded quickly, ensuring all riders were brought to safety without injury.Emergency Crews Rescue Upside-Down Riders at Portland Amusement Park

Firsthand Experiences

Among the riders was Daniel Allen, who said, I was crying, not of joy, not of anything, I was just crying. I was more happy, I was alive. Allen also mentioned that his asthma made breathing challenging due to the restrictive harness.Emergency Crews Rescue Upside-Down Riders at Portland Amusement Park Another rider expressed that they were traumatized by the event lasting almost thirty minutes.

Impact on Families

This event underscores the critical need for stringent safety protocols in amusement parks, especially considering that children under 13 account for a significant portion of ride-related injuries. Kathy Fackler from Saferparks emphasized, Just because there is a sign that says that a kid can go on a ride doesn’t mean that the ride is safe for them. She advised parents to always assess rides themselves for safety.Emergency Crews Rescue Upside-Down Riders at Portland Amusement Park

The Industry’s Commitment to Safety

The broader amusement park industry follows standards outlined by ASTM International’s F24 Committee. These standards cover various aspects from design and testing to inspection and quality assurance.Emergency Crews Rescue Upside-Down Riders at Portland Amusement Park Despite such protocols, unexpected incidents still happen, highlighting the importance of continuous improvement in safety measures.

Safety is the Amusement Park Industry’s Number 1 Priority
  • The ASTM guidelines ensure best practices in creating and operating rides.
  • If regulations in specific states need to be augmented, IAAPA encourages action using detail-oriented ASTM standards as the basis.
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