Elon Musk Criticizes Kathleen Kennedy Over Star Wars Direction

Elon Musk has recently made headlines for his harsh criticism of Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy, alleging that she endangers the Star Wars franchise with her decisions. The controversy revolves around the latest spinoff, The Acolyte, which has received backlash for incorporating elements some fans find objectionable.

Elon Musk Criticizes Kathleen Kennedy Over Star Wars Direction

Musk’s Scathing Remarks

Responding to a post on X picturing Kennedy as a franchise killer, Musk reportedly claimed, She’s more deadly than the Death Star! His criticism was not limited to memes and hyperbole; he also accused Kennedy of pushing woke propaganda in the series. He posted his thoughts: Kathleen Kennedy is super bigoted against men.

Elon Musk Criticizes Kathleen Kennedy Over Star Wars Direction

The Acolyte Under Fire

The Acolyte, directed by Leslye Headland, has been the focal point of this debate. Hailed initially for its diversity in casting, including minorities like Amandla Stenberg and Lee Jung-jae, it faced heavy criticism over the narrative involving powerful witches from an all-female coven led by Jodie Turner-Smith’s character, Mother Aniseya. In defense, Headland stated, I don’t think ‘The Acolyte’ was queer with a capital Q.

Elon Musk Criticizes Kathleen Kennedy Over Star Wars Direction

Kennedy Responds to Criticism

Kennedy defended her decision to support Headland’s vision for The Acolyte. She explained to The New York Times, My belief is that storytelling does need to be representative of all people. Despite receiving backlash from the predominantly male fanbase, Kennedy emphasized her commitment to inclusivity in storytelling.

Lucas’s Distance from Controversy

George Lucas, the creator of the iconic franchise, has notably stayed away from involvement since selling Lucasfilm to Disney in 2012. His decision further highlights the growing tension between long-time franchise architects and the current direction steered by executives like Kennedy.

Musk Supports Gina Carano’s Lawsuit Against Disney

Musk also extended his support to Gina Carano, who was fired from The Mandalorian after controversial social media posts. Carano expressed gratitude towards Musk and X for backing her lawsuit aimed at reinstating her role as Cara Dune and seeking damages from Disney.

Elon Musk Criticizes Kathleen Kennedy Over Star Wars Direction

Backlash From South Park and Beyond

The criticism isn’t confined to Elon Musk alone. An episode of South Park titled Joining the Panderverse lampooned Kennedy and Disney, suggesting they pander excessively to diversity imperatives. The show’s angle resonates with those who feel recent franchise entries have lost their original essence.

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