Elderly Georgian Woman Receives High School Diploma 67 Years After Original Graduation Date

An elderly woman from Georgia is officially a high school graduate! Sixty-seven years after her original would-be graduation date, Shirley Smith graduated from high school earlier this month with an honorary degree.

I’m thankful, Smith, 85, said after the special occasion. I think it’s an honor, and I think it’s a blessing. Shown below is Shirley with her family members who have been a huge part of her journey.

Elderly Georgian Woman Receives High School Diploma 67 Years After Original Graduation Date

Smith grew up in Wilmington, N.C., before she and her family relocated to Somerville, N.J. After finishing the 9th grade, she confided to her father that she didn’t want to go to school, leading him to make her get a job. She worked at various places including a dry cleaner and a pocketbook factory, eventually getting married and starting a family.

Despite considering going back to school over the years, familial obligations took precedence. In a touching move, her granddaughter Brianna Robinson shared that My nana never missed a high school or college graduation for any of her children or grandchildren.

Elderly Georgian Woman Receives High School Diploma 67 Years After Original Graduation Date

A Special Birthday Surprise

Smith found out she would be getting her honorary degree on her 85th birthday. Eric Finch, the chief of police of Montezuma Police Department, decided it was an honor she truly deserved. Below is a picture of Eric Finch speaking fervently at the official ceremony.

Elderly Georgian Woman Receives High School Diploma 67 Years After Original Graduation Date

Tan Galia Robinson, another family member, mentioned Finch was inspired by the heartfelt words spoken at Shirley’s recent birthday celebration. He felt like it was robbery to not give her her diploma, she explained.

A Family Priority

Elderly Georgian Woman Receives High School Diploma 67 Years After Original Graduation Date

Through Smith’s influence, all her kids and grandchildren have completed their educations at academic institutions including Texas A&M, Montclair University, California State University, and University of Tampa among others. Her dedication to family is mirrored in their achievements — making sure educational milestones were always celebrated together.

An Inspirational Trend

The trend of adults receiving their high school diplomas later in life is becoming more common. Statistics show an increasing number of older adults achieving this milestone. Here is an illustrative chart depicting this upward trend:

Elderly Georgian Woman Receives High School Diploma 67 Years After Original Graduation Date

This journey isn’t just significant for Shirley; it also serves as an inspiration to others contemplating completing their own educational journeys regardless of age.

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