Dominic Zamprogna Discusses Dante’s Journey and Return to General Hospital

On June 22, Dominic Zamprogna celebrated the 15th anniversary of his debut as Dante Falconeri (formerly known as Dominic Pirelli) on General Hospital. While he hasn’t been continuously on the show over these fifteen years—having left in 2018 and made a triumphant return in 2020—the actor needed this break.

Dominic Zamprogna Discusses Dante’s Journey and Return to General Hospital

Why Dominic Left

Reflecting on his reasons for leaving, Zamprogna shared, Frank and I have always kept in touch, and during this quarantine period, it was no different… the idea of a Dante return was mutual. This quote highlights the close collaborative relationship between him and GH’s executive producer, Frank Valentini.

Back in 2018, Zamprogna felt it necessary to broaden his horizons. As he recounted, A couple of things were going on at that time… I had never been in this town as a free agent, so to speak. I came here with this job and didn’t know any casting people. I was almost 40 and I was like, ‘Okay, worst-case scenario, the show gets canceled tomorrow…’

The Break and Its Benefits

Dominic Zamprogna Discusses Dante’s Journey and Return to General Hospital

He further explained that taking time off was essential for his mental health and professional growth. He noted, I call it kind of a mental health break because I’ve never been in the same place for this long, playing the same character. This period allowed him to explore other projects and engage with new opportunities outside Port Charles.

The Glad Return to Port Charles

Dominic Zamprogna Discusses Dante’s Journey and Return to General Hospital

Zamprogna’s sabbatical proved fruitful not only for personal enrichment but also for his career. He said, I realized… I should really kind of get out there… His return in 2020 was met with enthusiasm from both fans and colleagues.

The Impact on Dante’s Storyline

Dante’s dramatic exit involved going undercover to bring down Raj Patel. The storyline ended with him being captured and brainwashed, leaving viewers on edge. Upon his return, Dante is bound to shock his family, including his parents Sonny Corinthos (Maurice Benard) and Olivia Falconeri Quartermaine (Lisa LoCicero), and his ex-wife Lulu Spencer (Emme Rylan).

Dominic Zamprogna Discusses Dante’s Journey and Return to General Hospital

Frank Valentini expressed that This secret has been a dark cloud hanging over Dante since he first came to town, adding layers to Dante’s complex character.

Fan Excitement

Dominic Zamprogna Discusses Dante’s Journey and Return to General Hospital

The love from fans cannot go unnoticed. As one excited fan put it, She says she’s excited but I see she’s moved on rather quickly…, capturing mixed emotions surrounding Lulu’s involvement with a new character post-Dante’s return. Nevertheless, fans are thrilled to see their favorite character back on screen after such an extended absence.

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