Documentary Explores John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s Life in New York After The Beatles

Life after The Beatles for the legendary singer-songwriter John Lennon and wife Yoko Ono in New York City is the focus of Kevin Macdonald’s latest documentary, One to One: John & Yoko, from Mercury Studios.

Documentary Explores John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s Life in New York After The Beatles

The Scottish filmmaker, coming off his fashion doc High & Low: John Galliano, recalls Lennon in 1972 performing his final full-stage performance, the One to One benefit concert, at New York City’s Madison Square Garden, with Ono at his side.

Documentary Explores John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s Life in New York After The Beatles

Directed by Macdonald (Whitney, Touching the Void, The Last King of Scotland), One to One features new materials like remixed concert audio produced by Sean Ono Lennon, newly restored footage and personal archives like phone calls and home movies recorded and filmed by Lennon and Ono. Besides earning an Oscar for One Day in September, Macdonald also executive produced the award-winning documentaries Senna and The Rescue.

Documentary Explores John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s Life in New York After The Beatles

I wanted to make a film that surprises and delights even the most dedicated Lennon and Ono fans by focusing on one transformative period in their lives and telling the tale through their own words, images and music, said Macdonald about his doc. The project is built around 16mm film footage of the classic One-to-One concert while offering an intimate look at Lennon and Ono charting a new musical course after The Beatles.

One to One: John & Yoko comes over 50 years after The Beatles broke up, and Lennon was fatally shot in 1980 as he and Ono returned to their home in the Dakota building overlooking New York’s Central Park.

Sean Ono Lennon’s Insight

Kevin’s documentary brings completely fresh insight into my parents’ lives during their Bank Street and early New York years, showing firsthand their unwavering dedication to promoting peace and non-violence during a turbulent era of unrest, corruption and unnecessary war, commented Sean Ono Lennon in a statement.

A Collaboration of Iconic Teams

One to One is also the first film from Plan B/KM Films, a joint venture between Macdonald and Brad Pitt’s Plan B Productions. The producer credits are shared by Peter Worsley, Alice Webb and Macdonald, while Steve Condie, David Joseph, Marc Robinson, Pitt, Dede Gardner and Jeremy Kleiner executive produce.

An Honest Story of Radical Hope

This film is ultimately a story of radical hope. It is an honest and intimate look at a pivotal year in John and Yoko’s lives – a melting pot of politics, youth culture, self-growth and spine-tingling artistry. I’m honored to bring this story to fans everywhere with the impeccable Kevin Macdonald, Sean and Peter, noted Mercury Studios CEO Alice Webb.

Documentary Explores John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s Life in New York After The Beatles

Conclusion: A Promising Documentary

The collaboration between industry heavyweights Kevin Macdonald, Sean Ono Lennon and Plan B Productions promises an insightful journey into one of the most transformative eras for John Lennon and Yoko Ono, capturing both their personal intimacy and political activism. This documentary offers fans new perspectives on iconic moments that shaped modern music history.

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