Doctor Who Finale Delivers Emotional Revelations and a Sinister Tease

The following contains spoilers from the Doctor Who season finale, now streaming on Disney+.

Doctor Who, in its latest season finale, orchestrates a masterful encounter with Sutekh, the God of Death. As the audience learns, Sutekh’s mission was to unravel the mystery of Ruby Sunday’s lineage, a task that has mystified even him. This revelation roots back to Christmas Eve 2004 when Sutekh was linked to the TARDIS but couldn’t identify the hooded mother.

The Path to Discovering Ruby’s Origins

The Doctor, Ruby, and Mel make their way to the 2040s after sensing that Roger ap Gwilliam might hold critical information, owing to his initiative on forced DNA registration. Their goal? To match Ruby’s DNA with someone in this extensive UK government database.

During this tense investigation, Ruby taunts Sutekh by revealing her mother’s identity right as they close in on him. She manipulates Sutekh into believing she doesn’t understand it fully, only to shatter the illusion by dropping the monitor. This cunning act is part of her plan to get close enough to attach a leash to him. The Doctor then drags Sutekh through space via the TARDIS, effectively subduing him and resurrecting everyone turned to dust by his lethal ‘dust of death.’

Doctor Who Finale Delivers Emotional Revelations and a Sinister Tease

The Emotional Revelation

Once safe back at UNIT, a pivotal moment arrives. Using advanced technology from their database, the UNIT team identifies Ruby’s mother: Louise Allison Miller, a nurse from Coventry who had to give up her baby at 15 years old due to an abusive household.

This discovery is profoundly humanizing. Louise did it out of love, not wanting her child to endure the same hardships she had faced. When The Doctor says, Her sheer existence was more powerful than Time Lords and gods…, it underscores how ordinary individuals can hold extraordinary power.

Doctor Who Finale Delivers Emotional Revelations and a Sinister Tease

Goodbye Ruby Sunday

Ruby reconnects with both her mother and Carla before returning to the TARDIS for what she initially believes will be more adventures. However, learning about her father recontextualizes her journey. Her tenure as a companion comes full circle as she decides her place is with her newfound family.

The farewell is poignant. The Doctor tells Ruby, This adventure is just beginning, emphasizing that her personal growth will persist beyond their shared travels.

Doctor Who Finale Delivers Emotional Revelations and a Sinister Tease

A Sinister Tease

The final moments leave us on edge. Mrs. Flood’s rooftop monologue is foreboding:

Doctor Who Finale Delivers Emotional Revelations and a Sinister Tease

What happens, you might wonder, to that mysterious traveler in time and space known as the Doctor?… I’m sorry to say his story ends in absolute terror.

This unnerving prediction lingers as Mrs. Flood grins at the camera before bidding us Night-night!

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