Diesel the Donkey Reunites With Owners After Living Among Wild Elk for Five Years


Key Points
1. Diesel the donkey, missing for five years, was miraculously spotted by hunter Max Fennell in a herd of elk.
2. Diesel adapted to his new life in the wild.
3. Despite the Drewry family’s initial heartbreak over Diesel’s disappearance, they have found solace in knowing he is thriving in his new environment and have decided not to bring him back.


When Diesel the donkey vanished during a hike five years ago, Terrie and Dave Drewry were left heartbroken. Living near Auburn, California, they never thought they would see him again. Diesel had been a beloved member of their family, and his sudden disappearance left a void that seemed impossible to fill. Their efforts to find him seemed hopeless as the weeks turned into months and eventually years.

In April 2019, Diesel roamed the Cache Creek Wilderness, a sprawling 30,000-acre area northwest of Sacramento. The Drewrys searched relentlessly, scouring the vast wilderness for any sign of their missing donkey. They spotted what they thought were traces of Diesel—hoof prints, tufts of fur—but their efforts were ultimately in vain. Terrie Drewry shared with KOVR, “The whole miraculous story is like something out of a movie. One day Diesel is gone and then five years later he reappeared at the ranch.”

A Miraculous Reunion


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This year brought unexpected news for the Drewry family. A video posted on social media by hunter Max Fennell showed a herd of elk. Strikingly, among them was a wild donkey.

Drewry confirmed the animal seen in the footage was their missing donkey, Diesel. In Fennell’s Instagram video, shared just a few miles from where Diesel had initially disappeared, the donkey smoothly guided the elk herd through the fields.

An Unexpected Guardian

Diesel the Donkey Reunites With Owners After Living Among Wild Elk for Five Years

Max Fennell, known for his sporadic hunting excursions in California, recounted his surprising encounter with Diesel: Probably one of my wildest hunting trips to date. He added that seeing Diesel happily mingling with the elk left him stunned.

Adapting to a New Herd

Diesel the Donkey Reunites With Owners After Living Among Wild Elk for Five Years

The phenomenon of donkeys living among wild animals isn’t unprecedented. Donkeys are often used to guard domestic herds due to their fierce protective instincts. It seems Diesel naturally assumed this role within his new elk family.

Reflecting on recognizing Diesel in the video, David Drewry commented: That is in fact Diesel. He got away from me while packing out there 5 years ago. It was heartbreaking at the time. Glad to see he is helping the herd grow.

A Life in Harmony With Nature

Ever since escaping into the wilderness, Diesel‘s journey has been nothing short of extraordinary. Max Fennell’s discovery also highlights interesting wildlife behavior observed by locals and enthusiasts.

The Past and Present Collide

Diesel the Donkey Reunites With Owners After Living Among Wild Elk for Five Years

The Drewry family’s history is deeply rooted in California’s landscape. Richard Drewry, born in 1935 and part of a multi-generational ranching legacy, tragically lost his life near their ranch last year.

A Happy Ending

Diesel the Donkey Reunites With Owners After Living Among Wild Elk for Five Years

Despite initially fearing for his safety, the Drewrys have found solace knowing Diesel is flourishing in his newfound life as a wild burro.

Although she misses him dearly, Terrie Drewry said she wouldn’t try to catch Diesel and bring him back. Gleefully roaming with friends amidst tall yellow grass, it’s clear that “he’s truly a wild burro now”, she remarked.

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