Days of Our Lives Teases Holly & Tate’s Prom Drama with Parental Intrusion

Nicole meets with Dr. Mark Greene at the hospital. She apologizes for overreacting about Jude’s temperature, but it’s been a while since she’s been a mother to a newborn. She brings up Holly, whose name Mark recognizes as the girl who asked his brother Aaron to Prom, but then rescinded the invitation. Wincing, Nicole explains it’s her fault since Holly’s grounded. Mark commiserates over being an authority figure to teenagers since he’s in charge of his siblings. After he tells her Aaron is still going to Prom, but with friends, Nicole gets an idea.

Days of Our Lives Teases Holly & Tate’s Prom Drama with Parental Intrusion

Outside the DiMera mansion, Holly and Tate make plans over the phone for him to slip out during Prom to meet her someplace special.

Days of Our Lives Teases Holly & Tate’s Prom Drama with Parental Intrusion

At the DiMera mansion, EJ assures Stefan that, as DA once again, he will reopen Li’s murder case. Stefan warns he better get Gabi’s conviction overturned, or Nicole will find out Eric is Jude’s true father. EJ explains it will take time. Stefan tells him to get to it then, or else he’ll tell Nicole. He smirks as Holly walks in. Tell Nicole what? Scratch that. Holly doesn’t care what they’re keeping from her mom since she’s a real nightmare sometimes.

Days of Our Lives Teases Holly & Tate’s Prom Drama with Parental Intrusion

After Stefan leaves, EJ questions Holly’s attitude toward her mother. Holly rants about not being able to go to Prom. Nicole returns, declaring she’s changed her mind about letting her go. Holly tries to protest, claiming she has no dress or date. Nicole says Aaron’s still available and takes out her phone to call him.

Days of Our Lives Teases Holly & Tate’s Prom Drama with Parental Intrusion

Theresa dreams she tells Brady that she truly loves him. She only loves Alex’s money. As they reunite, she jolts awake on the Kiriakis couch to Brady staring down at her. Since she summoned him there, he asks what she wants. She collects herself and says they need to watch Tate and Holly at Prom like a hawk to keep them apart. Brady isn’t worried mostly because Holly is grounded and, therefore, not going. Brady mutters this could have been a phone call and leaves. Theresa wistfully watches him, reminding herself she has too much to lose.

Days of Our Lives Teases Holly & Tate’s Prom Drama with Parental Intrusion

After helping decorate for the Prom, Aaron meets Tate at the Pub. Tate wants to make sure Aaron is still on board to distract Sophia while he sneaks out to meet Holly. Aaron assures him he’s anxious to hang out with the goddess Sophia, who he hopes will notice him. Sophia glumly eavesdrops from the doorway as Tate says he’d never have accepted her invitation had his parents not forbidden from seeing Holly. She approaches to confirm they’re still meeting at Tate’s place for pictures later.

Tate confirms and leaves.

When Eric drops in on Marlena in her office, she brings up his publication divorce from Sloan. She worries he’s playing with fire having EJ as his lawyer. Eric angrily points out Nicole and EJ have a family, so it’s not an issue. Marlena drops it and invites him over to dinner tonight, just the two of them. He agrees as long as she doesn’t bring up Nicole.

Nicole, who? Marlena says.

At the Pub, Aaron tries to talk with a distracted Sophia when Nicole calls him.

Nicole passes the phone to a reluctant Holly, who asks him to Prom.

Aaron accepts as Sophia intently listens.

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