Days of Our Lives Drama Alex Proposes to Theresa After Tumultuous Past

Hold onto your seats, Days of Our Lives fans! This upcoming week is packed with drama and unexpected twists. The highly anticipated proposal scene between Alex and Theresa is finally here. Let’s dive into the details!

Days of Our Lives Drama Alex Proposes to Theresa After Tumultuous Past

Alex Makes a Bold Move

In a surprising turn of events, Alex Kiriakis will pop the question to Theresa Donovan. After their tumultuous past, including the revelation that Theresa slept with Alex, fans are eager to see how she responds. Will this be the beginning of a new chapter for them?

Days of Our Lives Drama Alex Proposes to Theresa After Tumultuous Past

Theresa’s Emotional Turmoil

This proposal comes on the heels of intense personal moments for Theresa. Just recently, Monday, September 18, 2023: Theresa received some fatherly advice that might influence her decision. Jen Lilley, who has portrayed the troubled character since 2013, said in a recent interview that playing Theresa has been a journey filled with empathy and grace.

Days of Our Lives Drama Alex Proposes to Theresa After Tumultuous Past

The Search for Theresa

With the air date set for June 17, another key storyline will see Brady and Alex searching for Theresa. Fans are left wondering, What lengths will these two go to track her down?

Days of Our Lives Drama Alex Proposes to Theresa After Tumultuous Past

Complex Relationships in Salem

This week’s episodes are not short on drama. As relationships continue to get more entangled, Gwen opened up to Kristen at the DiMera mansion about her complicated love triangle, revealing deep insights into Salem’s intricate web of connections.Matty may be a world-class dissembler, but those lustful looks that he’s been giving my husband — I’d have to be bloody braindead not to have noticed.

A New Chapter for Jen Lilley

As we look at what’s happening with Alex and Theresa, it’s noteworthy that Jen Lilley announced she is leaving the show. She stated in her Instagram post on Sept 19th: Playing Jeanne Theresa Donovan off and on for the last ten years has taught me so much about empathy and grace. Her departure marks the end of an era, making this proposal even more significant.

Days of Our Lives Drama Alex Proposes to Theresa After Tumultuous PastDays of Our Lives Drama Alex Proposes to Theresa After Tumultuous Past

A Week You Won’t Want to Miss

This week also sees other gripping storylines unfold. From Stefan using leverage to steer situations in his favor to Chad lashing out at Kate over Lucas’ actions. Among all this turmoil, how will Alex and Theresa navigate their newfound engagement?

Days of Our Lives Drama Alex Proposes to Theresa After Tumultuous Past

Tune in this week to find out how these stories evolve and witness one of the most stirring proposals in Days history!

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