Dave Filoni on the Possibility of R-Rated Star Wars and New Franchise Ideas

Dave Filoni on the Possibility of R-Rated Star Wars and New Franchise Ideas

The Star Wars universe has always been bound by PG-13 ratings, but Dave Filoni’s recent comments hint at a possible deviation. During an appearance on the Happy Sad Confused podcast with Josh Horowitz, the Chief Creative Officer of Lucasfilm considered the future of the franchise in a different light.

Filoni was asked directly if an R-rated Star Wars film is on the horizon, to which he thoughtfully replied, There’s an audience for that. I think also with that audience, I want to still be hitting the imagination of the kids out there so they can grow up and appreciate those things.

Exploring Different Creativity Levels

Filoni acknowledged the diverse styles that various filmmakers bring to the table, suggesting that different creativity levels might eventually lead to an R-rated installment. He noted, Different filmmakers and authors have different perspectives on Star Wars, implying that this variance could make room for projects of varied maturity levels.

Dave Filoni on the Possibility of R-Rated Star Wars and New Franchise Ideas

Ahmed Best Proposes a Unique Fusion

In the same vein, Ahmed Best, famous for his role as Jar Jar Binks in The Phantom Menace, floated a fascinating idea: a project merging elements from John Wick with his Jedi character Kelleran Beq. Best first played Kelleran in the web series Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge, where his performance left fans wanting more.

This proposal stems from Best’s admiration for Kelleran’s Filipino fighting techniques and his passion for martial arts. Despite being sidelined due to the Jedi code, Best believes there is much potential to explore these abilities on screen.

Dave Filoni on the Possibility of R-Rated Star Wars and New Franchise Ideas

A John Wick Style Star Wars Adventure?

The combination of Jedi prowess with John Wick’s stylistic action sequences could elevate fight choreography within the Star Wars universe. Bringing in a blend of Jedi and Wick, as envisioned by Best, would add a unique dimension to cinematic battles—a prospect that might attract fans looking for something grittier.

The Impact on Classic Scenes

Citing a Disney leaker, insiders reveal plans to revisit and expand upon classic scenes from the original Star Wars trilogy, including pivotal moments like the Battle of Yavin. The concept is aimed at fleshing out story arcs that continue to captivate audiences decades later.

Dave Filoni on the Possibility of R-Rated Star Wars and New Franchise Ideas

This approach reflects Filoni’s commitment to balancing audience expectations while pushing creative boundaries. Both filmmakers and fans appear ready for such evolved storytelling within this beloved universe.

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