Dark Matter Review Joel Edgerton Explores the Multiverse in a Thrilling Adventure

The new Apple TV+ series Dark Matter shines a light on the multiverse conundrum through the curious journey of Joel Edgerton’s character, Jason Dessen. The show dives deep into the myriad ‘what if’ scenarios when one man finds himself thrust into alternate versions of his life, highlighting multiverse themes that have been explored before.

Dark Matter Review Joel Edgerton Explores the Multiverse in a Thrilling Adventure

A twisty sci-fi mind-bender

Jason is a physics teacher in Chicago whose quiet life takes a radical turn when he’s abducted and propelled into an alternate version of his reality. As showcased throughout the nine-part series, his alternate self made different, career-focused choices leading him to an unforeseen pathway of discoveries.

Dark Matter Review Joel Edgerton Explores the Multiverse in a Thrilling Adventure

Connelly’s portrayal and a love story within

Jennifer Connelly features as Daniela Dessen, Jason’s wife, contributing multiple layers by portraying various versions of her character. Connelly describes the series as an ode to a marriage, examining how different choices impact relationships. She found exploring this narrative compelling.

Dark Matter Review Joel Edgerton Explores the Multiverse in a Thrilling Adventure

The multiverse plot unveiling

The show plunges into the concept of alternate realities and quantum mechanics. The story trailer hints at exploring scientific theories, presenting viewers with endless possibilities of existence in parallel dimensions. According to Melissa O’Neil, such explorations add depth and complexity to character dynamics as they navigate different scenarios: You want to have separate reasons [for trusting someone]; it’s informative that you get to see them play out different scenarios.

Dark Matter Review Joel Edgerton Explores the Multiverse in a Thrilling Adventure

A grounded take on fantastical elements

Blake Crouch, who adapted his bestseller for this series, envisioned authentic character-driven narratives amidst the mind-bending sci-fi elements. Crouch mentions, The science is there for those who want it… but we went out of our way not to beat people over the head with it. He aimed to balance complex theories like Schrödinger’s cat with engaging storytelling.

Dark Matter Review Joel Edgerton Explores the Multiverse in a Thrilling Adventure

A tale of what could have been

Crouch’s inspiration stemmed from personal reflections: I was in my mid-30s and started wondering about all the paths I’d taken and not taken. This introspection forms the core of Dark Matter‘s journey across universes, posing pivotal existential questions about identity and choice—elements executive producer Matt Tolmach identified as universally relatable.

Dark Matter Review Joel Edgerton Explores the Multiverse in a Thrilling Adventure

A thrilling exploration of alternate realities

The show’s dynamic shifts between Jason’s struggle to return to his world and his family’s evolving saga provide an exciting dual-storyline ecosystem. The interactions among parallel selves open avenues for intense confrontations and resolutions steeped in speculative physics principles portrayed with practical visual effects.

Dark Matter Review Joel Edgerton Explores the Multiverse in a Thrilling Adventure

In conclusion

Dark Matter‘s fusion of domestic drama with high-concept science fiction offers a fresh take on multiversal narratives beyond superhero lore. It positions itself distinctively within its genre by focusing on relatable characters navigating extraordinary situations, making for an engrossing watch that encourages viewers to ponder their own ‘what if’ moments.

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