Daniel Craig Sports Long Hair as Benoit Blanc in Knives Out 3

To solve a murder, one first has to slay

Daniel Craig Sports Long Hair as Benoit Blanc in Knives Out 3

Writer/director Rian Johnson took to social media on June 10 to announce, Aaaaand we’re off! Today is day 1 of shooting on the next Benoit Blanc mystery ‘Wake Up Dead Man’ – see you on the other side. With this message, fans received their first look at Daniel Craig as Benoit Blanc in the upcoming Knives Out 3. The new image showcases a significant change: Craig’s character now sports long hair.

Daniel Craig Sports Long Hair as Benoit Blanc in Knives Out 3

While the new look is generating buzz, it’s equally thrilling that production for the much-anticipated film has officially begun. Notably, the setting shared by Johnson appears to have a moody, film-noir vibe, hinting at a possibly darker tone compared to the earlier films.

Benoit Blanc’s New Look Sparks Discussions

Last year, Twitter ignited with conversations about Glass Onion when conservative commentator Ben Shapiro criticized the film for its supposed political stance. Given this context, it’s no surprise that social media is currently abuzz with discussions about Benoit Blanc‘s transformed appearance and what it might signify for the franchise.

Setting Expectations for Wake Up Dead Man

Daniel Craig Sports Long Hair as Benoit Blanc in Knives Out 3

The title and tonality of ‘Wake Up Dead Man’ indicate how Rian Johnson aims to push the envelope within the detective genre. As Johnson mentioned in an interview, I love everything about whodunnits but one of the things I love most is how malleable the genre is.

Looking Forward: Release in 2025

The release date for Wake Up Dead Man has not been precisely pinned down yet. However, we do know that it’s slated for sometime in 2025. Till then, all eyes will be on any emerging set photos and details that promise to enrich what’s shaping up to be another intriguing chapter in the Benoit Blanc saga.

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