Dance Moms Review: Two Teams, Two Studios Part I


Photo credit: Dance Moms, Lifetime

This week on Dance Moms, the Junior Elite team and their mothers rent a studio and team up with Abby’s rival.

The week starts off with the junior elite team at the same 3rd Street Studio that Abby rented out while ALDC LA was being built. There is no pyramid, for the obvious reason that Abby is not there. The junior elite team stuck to their word and indeed ditched Abby after their frustrations hit a peak at the last competition. Kira chooses Erin Babbs from MDP as their group choreographer. It makes sense that she is leading the group, since she is the only one with professional dance education experience.

The group routine is a contemporary piece, and its name is “And Then There Was One”. It depicts all the dancers leaving Abby’s team (and the actual show). The original dance moms cannot help but announce their new partnership with Abby’s rival in the least confidential way possible. They post pictures with the girls and Erin to social media knowing that Abby will see it.

Holly gets a call from Alexx Calise. She is the singer of the song of Maddie’s iconic song-titled dance, “Cry”. Maddie is even in her music video. Alexx invites Nia to be the opening act for her performance at The Mint in LA. Surprisingly, Holly includes Kendall to sing for her performance as well. Jill is extremely happy and comments on how nice the act was. It is so nice to see the dance moms be kind and supportive of one another.

Kalani, Brynn, and Kendall are doing a solo, but Nia decides she would focus on her music this week. Their guest solo choreographer is extremely nice and gets along well with the girls. His dance themes all focus on progression and positivity.

Later, Nia goes to the studio to rehearse her ballad as her opening act for Alexx’s performance. The beginning sounds good, but she has some problems hitting the higher notes.

Meanwhile at ALDC LA, the mini moms are speculating over the original dance moms when they see the post on social media. One of the moms go to check on Abby and we can hear audio of her heaving. It sounds like she is having a mental breakdown. Of course, Abby tells the mom trying to comfort her to leave. In an interview, Abby says she loves the junior elite team and would die for some of the girls. Her actions and behavior towards the girls absolutely does not show her love.

Back with junior elite team, Kira brings up that she received a text from Melissa. Apparently, Abby texted Melissa that the dance moms were bullying her. Kira scoffs and reveals that Abby had been talking badly about Melissa and her daughters. That is not too shocking considering Abby’s behavioural pattern. Alexx, Nia, and Kendall rehearsing for the performance together, while Holly and Jill peek in on their session.

Back to the ALDC LA, Abby finally emerges from her dressing room as if nothing has happened. Instead, she puts more pressure on her mini team and gives her usual speech about the girls representing Abby’s livelihood.

There are three solos and a group dance. It’s a dark-themed week to reflect Abby’s inner turmoil. The first solo went to Elliana. It is a lyrical piece and is supposed to be a “Maddie solo, which means it’s probably a shoe-in to win. Alexus’s solo is a dark and edgy character-driven contemporary solo called “Infected Spirit”. Peyton gets a acro/gymnastics dance called “Trash”.

Peyton has problems with her choreography, so Abby asks her to put on her costume so she can get into the mood of the dance. Peyton’s costume actually has garbage glued to it! Peyton’s mom is appalled that her daugher’s dress has a maxi pad glued to it, and she questions Abby about it. Annoyed, the ever irritable Abby pulls Peyton’s solo and role in the group dance.

At The Mint in LA, the junior elite team are present to support Nia and Kendall’s performances. It’s Kendall’s first time singing live, so she feels nervous. The mini moms show up to support the girls too! Peyton’s mom explains her blowout with Abby to the original dance moms. Kira calls them weak as a team and says that would have never happened to the junior elite team. They would stick up for each other (which is not true, it happened to them all the time, and they don’t always stick up for each other).

Suddenly, Abby shows up, and she starts making weird comments about auditions and castings. While Nia is on stage singing Abby is shooting angry glares at her. She even asks to no one in particular if Nia is lipsynching. Kendall sings a small part with Nia for Alexx’s song, “Cry”. When the performance ends, Holly goes over to Abby’s seat waiting for Abby to congratulate Nia. Instead, Abby decides to make digs at how little Kendall sang on stage.

Will the junior elite team make up with Abby? I guess we will find out next week on Part II of Two Teams, Two Studios.

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