Daisy Ridley Talks Young Woman and the Sea and New Star Wars Script

Daisy Ridley Talks Young Woman and the Sea and New Star Wars ScriptDaisy Ridley dives into the compelling role of Gertrude ‘Trudy’ Ederle in Young Woman and the Sea, a film about the real-life swimmer who became the first woman to cross the English Channel. The movie, directed by Joachim Rønning, portrays Ederle’s historic 14-hour feat achieved in 1926.

The Journey of Trudy Ederle

The film follows Ederle’s incredible journey from overcoming measles to achieving international fame. Many might not know that she beat the existing men’s record by two hours when she completed her swim. This film adapts Glenn Stout’s extensively researched book Young Woman and the Sea: How Trudy Ederle Conquered the English Channel and Inspired the World, with a screenplay by Jeff Nathanson.

Challenges and Triumphs

Daisy Ridley Talks Young Woman and the Sea and New Star Wars ScriptRidley had to tackle intense marathon swim sessions for her role as Ederle. There were many times where I thought woah. I really had to look at it as a bite size challenge, Ridley noted. Her dedication to authenticity meant extensive training, even impressing famous swimmer Diana Nyad, who coached her briefly.

Inspiration from Diana Nyad

The actor shares a surreal moment meeting Nyad at a bathroom during filming.She said something to me about being a swimmer. I said, ‘No, I was faking it!’ And then she said, ‘No, I could tell you did the training!’ Diana Nyad thinks I did a good job? I’m good!, Ridley recalls with a smile.

A Film for Cinematic Experience

Daisy Ridley Talks Young Woman and the Sea and New Star Wars ScriptProduced by Jerry Bruckheimer, the movie has received exceptional test scores. Bruckheimer enthused, It’s the highest testing movie I’ve ever made and I’ve made some very big movies. Initially slated for streaming only, its success led to a limited theatrical release on May 31.

Hollywood’s Take on Historical Events

Bruckheimer discusses the balance between historical accuracy and cinematic storytelling,If you want the whole story, read Glenn Stout’s book. But we don’t go to movies for a history lesson; we go to be entertained. The movie remains faithful to the core aspects of Ederle’s character while taking creative liberties comparable to many biopics.

A Story Beyond Swimming

The film digs deep into Ederle’s personal challenges dealing with gender norms and societal barriers of her time. It also highlights her coach’s questionable actions during her first channel attempt, ending in suspected poisoning. However, with perseverance, Ederle eventually conquered these hurdles with fortitude and familial support crucially highlighted in several scenes.Daisy Ridley Talks Young Woman and the Sea and New Star Wars Script

Daisy Ridley’s Commitment

Ridley took on this role not just as an acting challenge but as a way to amplify Ederle’s incredible story.I took on this role to make sure everyone knows Ederle’s journey and bravery, Ridley commented. This passion is evident in her performance that many view as transformative.

An Unlikely Path to Stardom

Ederle was not one to seek out fame despite her ground-breaking achievements.Daisy Ridley Talks Young Woman and the Sea and New Star Wars ScriptAfter her historic swim, she did make appearances in silent films and vaudeville but largely remained a private individual not touched by prolonged celebrity attention.

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