Cillian Murphy Returns for Filming of 28 Years Later on Holy Island

The highly anticipated third installment of the ’28 Days Later’ franchise, ’28 Years Later’, has started filming on Holy Island in North East England. The return of the original trio—Danny Boyle, Cillian Murphy, and Alex Garland—has fans eagerly anticipating what comes next.

Cillian Murphy Returns for Filming of 28 Years Later on Holy Island

A new report from the BBC reveals that production has begun on this picturesque island off the coast of North East England. Additional filming spots include Newcastle and Kielder Forest. According to sources, hundreds of locals have been cast as extras to portray individuals afflicted with the iconic Rage Virus.

A Long-Awaited Return for Cillian Murphy

The announcement confirms Cillian Murphy’s return as Jim, a role that first introduced audiences to the harrowing effects of the Rage Virus in 2002’s ’28 Days Later’. Speaking about Murphy’s casting, Alex Garland noted, Casting Cillian was just brilliant and a wonderful statement about the amount of humanity in what could have been a conventional genre film. Murphy will be joined by Jodie Comer and Aaron Taylor-Johnson.

Cillian Murphy Returns for Filming of 28 Years Later on Holy Island

An Insight into the Filmmaking Team’s Vision

Danny Boyle is reprising his role as director, with Alex Garland writing the script. Garland shared some thoughts on the movie’s theme, explaining, That’s partly what the film is about; it’s to do with the passage of time, and thinking about what effect the passage of time would have. After giving us a chilling opening scene idea involving Morse Code messages, Boyle added that while he directs this project solely,It was very difficult to get away from that idea.

Cillian Murphy Returns for Filming of 28 Years Later on Holy Island

Filming Locations and Casting of Extras

The scenic landscapes of North East England will provide an eerie backdrop for the new film. With locations such as Newcastle and Kielder Forest set for shooting, these regions are expected to feature prominently. Hundreds of locals have reportedly been cast as extras to portray athletic types struck by the Rage Virus.

A Return to Its Roots

This English setting aligns with the franchise’s history. From London in ’28 Days Later’ to rural English areas in ’28 Weeks Later’, these films have always stayed close to home. Garland believes staying true to these roots will resonate well with long-time fans: The details surrounding 28 Years Later’s story are still under wraps.

Anticipation Builds for a Fascinating Storyline

The end of ’28 Weeks Later’ left many uncertainties, especially when it teased the spread of infection to Paris. This new installment may continue exploring how these events evolved over decades and how they impact Jim’s character arc.

Cillian Murphy Returns for Filming of 28 Years Later on Holy Island

The start of filming promises more updates soon, offering fans a deeper glimpse into this awaited resurgence.

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