Castle: 5.15 “Target” Review

0992Last night we finally got to see the first part of the highly anticipated two-parter on Castle. I had the chance to watch a screener a few days earlier and it was killing me that I couldn’t discuss it with anyone. So I am so glad you all finally got to watch it because there is so much to talk about!

So first things first, was that amazing or what? It had been a really, really long time since I had considered a Castle episode mindblowing. As much as it pains me to say this as a fan of the show, things haven’t been all that great in the past couple of seasons, even if the leads are finally together and that tiring will-they-won’t-they dance is over. However, “Target” was the exception this season so far and, when it was over, my heart was still racing and I was at the edge of my seat, suffering already that I still had another week to go until I could find out what was going to happen next.

The episode started out as any other Castle, and it wasn’t until we found out that Alexis had been taken as well that things started to really get interesting. I don’t know if you guys had the same impression, but for me it was like the episode lasted all of five minutes. It was so action packed, so tense and heartbreaking that those 43 minutes completely flew by.

The case seemed simple at first, but by the end of the episode I was scratching my head, completely confused, saying “Paris? What the hell?”. I knew they wouldn’t be in the US anymore because of the warning at the beggining of the screener not to reveal the country/location at the end, but I had just assumed that maybe they would be in Egypt or somewhere like that. That was the logical outcome in my head. So when it turned out that Alexis was being held hostage in Paris, I was just really confused. From what I have read online, a lot of people guessed the location because apparently it was known that they had been filming on location in Paris, but it had never been divulged which cast member had been there. But I have been out of the loop lately, spoilers wise, and you know what? It’s been a completely refreshing experience because I didn’t know anything about this episode going in, except for the fact that Alexis was going to be kidnapped. So the twists and the cliffhanger were that much better.

1311Anyway, back on topic. The star of the night was most definitely Nathan Fillion. His performance was just beyond anything I had ever seen him do on the show. Really, standing ovation, Nathan. Amazing job. From the moment he finds out Alexis has been taken, through all the scenes, he completely sold the image of the desperate father. Gone was the playful writer we have all gotten so used to and in his place was Alexis’ dad, completely distraught over the abduction of his little girl. Lots of scenes come to mind, but I’d like to talk about two scenes in particular that completely stood out for me from the entire episode.

First, when they find the driver and Kate can’t get through to him, so Castle asks for a moment alone with him. Right there at that moment, he was so devastated, so completely against what he would have to do when the guy didn’t talk, but at the same time the coldness, that far off tone in his voice showed he was willing to do anything to get his daughter back. I have seen diverging opinions about this scene over the internet, but I have to say that the way they played it was just excellent. I don’t condone violence in any way, but right there it was all about that  primal parent instinct that will make you do anything for your child and Nathan played that scene beautifully.

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