Boy Meets World Icon William Daniels Shares Warm Reunion with Former Cast Mates at 96

William Daniels, cherished for his role as George Feeny on Boy Meets World, recently reunited with some of his former student-co-stars, Danielle Fishel, Rider Strong, and Will Friedle. This heartwarming get-together took place during a prelude to the Chicago Comic & Entertainment Expo 2023 where they celebrated Daniels’ 96th birthday.

Boy Meets World Icon William Daniels Shares Warm Reunion with Former Cast Mates at 96

The event offered a rare glimpse of affection among the cast outside of their former on-screen roles. Daniels reminisced about his time with them, noting how they transformed from youngsters into seasoned actors. Daniels stated, I am so lucky to have had such wonderful material to work with over the years which has created my career.

A Beloved Mentor in Real Life

Boy Meets World Icon William Daniels Shares Warm Reunion with Former Cast Mates at 96

Daniels, who played George Feeny on the ABC sitcom from 1993 to 2000, was not just an actor but an integral figure for many fans of Boy Meets World. His character served as teacher, mentor, and guide for the young protagonists. These qualities resonated off-screen as well, evidenced by the tight-knit bond he maintains with his co-stars.

Celebrating at 97

This past April, Daniels marked another milestone by celebrating his 97th birthday. The festivities included some touching moments with family and friends at his son Michael’s home. Daniels expressed his gratitude for the lasting friendships and memories formed through his work.

In reflecting on his extensive career and beloved role, Daniels shared with PEOPLE, I am also grateful for having such a special, wonderful family. These words echo the sentimentality and endearing personality that fans have appreciated both on and off-screen.

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