Bill Skarsgård Stars in Violent New Thriller Boy Kills World Now on 4K UHD

The exhilarating action film Boy Kills World, directed by Moritz Mohr and starring Bill Skarsgård, has just been released on physical media in dazzling 4K UHD, thanks to Lionsgate.

Bill Skarsgård Stars in Violent New Thriller Boy Kills World Now on 4K UHD

A Chance to Experience the Carnage at Home

If you missed it in theaters, now is your chance to see why Boy Kills World had audiences buzzing with its chaotic blend of martial arts and dystopian insanity. The film scored modestly on Rotten Tomatoes with a 59% critic rating and an impressive 72% audience score. Critics had mixed feelings, but the general consensus from viewers was one of pure adrenaline-fueled enjoyment.

Bill Skarsgård Stars in Violent New Thriller Boy Kills World Now on 4K UHD

An Engaging Plot Fueled by Revenge

The narrative follows Skarsgård’s character, Boy, who is driven by revenge after the brutal murder of his family by the corrupt matriarch Hilda Van Der Koy (played by Famke Janssen). Boy, left orphaned, deaf, and voiceless, trains under the guidance of a mysterious shaman (Yayan Ruhian) to become an ‘instrument of death.’ As he unleashes mayhem, he encounters various factions including a desperate resistance group.

Bill Skarsgård Stars in Violent New Thriller Boy Kills World Now on 4K UHD

Director Moritz Mohr’s Bold Debut

Moritz Mohr’s directorial debut has been praised for its audacious style and world-building. The combination of intense action scenes with a unique voiceover concept offers a fresh take on the genre. According to our source Chris Bumbray, the film is a wild, dystopian action epic with heavy doses of black comedy and outrageousness mixed in.

Bill Skarsgård Stars in Violent New Thriller Boy Kills World Now on 4K UHD

A Unique Take on Narration

One of the notable aspects of the film is its unique use of narration. Initially narrated by Skarsgård himself in one cut, another version features H. Jon Benjamin, known for his work on Archer, as the narrator. This twist adds an extra layer to Boy’s monologue, offering audiences an intriguing auditory element alongside the visual carnage.

Bill Skarsgård Stars in Violent New Thriller Boy Kills World Now on 4K UHD

Anticipation Builds for Possible Franchise

The richly crafted universe in Boy Kills World leaves room for further exploration, potentially paving the way for future installments. Director Mohr demonstrated remarkable potential, suggesting that this could be the beginning of an expansive rogue cinematic universe.

Bill Skarsgård Stars in Violent New Thriller Boy Kills World Now on 4K UHD

Don’t Miss This Action-Packed Ride

If you’re a fan of high-octane action thrillers with a dark comedic edge, Boy Kills World is a must-watch. Experience it now in stunning 4K UHD as it hits physical media shelves soon.

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