BGT Fans Worried About Simon Cowell Disappearing During Show

Simon Cowell’s Mysterious Disappearance

The latest episode of Britain’s Got Talent has left fans puzzled and intrigued. During a captivating performance by Magicians Assemble, Simon Cowell was brought on stage and blindfolded for a magic trick. To everyone’s shock, he vanished, leaving only bits of confetti behind.

BGT Fans Worried About Simon Cowell Disappearing During Show

Judges Left Speechless

Amanda Holden and the other judges were left speechless. As Colin Cloud reassured that Simon was completely safe, Ben Hart then threw a sandglass causing Simon to disappear. Amanda Holden’s reaction was vital as she mentioned, You know Simon’s been saying the most important thing about Britain’s Got Talent is listening to our audience.

BGT Fans Worried About Simon Cowell Disappearing During Show

BGT Fans React

Fans took to social media, expressing their concerns and excitement about the cliffhanger. One fan wrote, NOO DON’T END IT THERE!!! #BGT. Another added, Where did Simon go, haha. The questions kept pouring in: So where’s the end of the magic from yesterday #bgt?

BGT Fans Worried About Simon Cowell Disappearing During Show

The Group Behind the Magic

Magicians Assemble, formed by Colin Cloud, Elizabeth, Ben Hart, and Aidan McCann, claimed to have returned from the future through time travel with a mission to save magic. Their performance was uniquely captivating, involving liquid turning into sand and predicting judges’ card selections.

BGT Fans Worried About Simon Cowell Disappearing During Show

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