Beetlejuice Beetlejuice New Trailer Highlights More of the Sequels Plot and Practical Effects

He’s back! But remember, don’t say his name three times.

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice New Trailer Highlights More of the Sequels Plot and Practical Effects

On Thursday, the highly anticipated trailer for Beetlejuice Beetlejuice dropped, showcasing character posters, stills, and a glimpse of what to expect from Tim Burton’s sequel to his iconic 1988 horror comedy. Michael Keaton is back in his legendary role as the chaotic Betelgeuse.

The new movie sees the return of Winona Ryder and Catherine O’Hara. Ryder reprises her role as Lydia Deetz, while O’Hara returns as her stepmother, Delia. The trailer hints at a continuation of the Deetz family’s quirky saga that led to their initial encounter with Betelgeuse.

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice New Trailer Highlights More of the Sequels Plot and Practical Effects

New Faces Join the Chaos

Lydia’s daughter Astrid, played by Wednesday breakout star Jenna Ortega, is set to be a key character. Upon the death of Lydia’s father Charles, portrayed in the original film by Jeffrey Jones, Lydia and Astrid return to Winter River where familiar supernatural troubles ensue. Ortega shared her enthusiasm: I was beyond thrilled to join the cast of Beetlejuice 2 as Lydia’s daughter.

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice New Trailer Highlights More of the Sequels Plot and Practical Effects

Plot Details Unveil More Mystery

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice New Trailer Highlights More of the Sequels Plot and Practical Effects

The sequel introduces us to new characters such as Monica Bellucci as Delores and Willem Dafoe as Wolf Jackson. Bellucci plays Betelgeuse’s wife, adding another layer of hilarity and dark charm to the story.

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice New Trailer Highlights More of the Sequels Plot and Practical Effects

The film proudly showcases practical effects, a signature move by director Tim Burton, ensuring that it not only stays true to its roots but also breathes new life into its visuals. Speaking about his involvement in the sequel, Burton said: I just wondered what he was going to do with it. So when the script showed up, it felt like a continuation of a story rather than a remake or something.

The Cast Speaks Out

Both Michael Keaton and Jenna Ortega have expressed their excitement about the project.

Keaton, reflecting on stepping back into Betelgeuse’s shoes after more than three decades, said: I think I can be excited because the film is more of a progression from the original rather than a complete departure. It’s also better than just playing the same part, but it’s recontextualized.

Ortega shared: I felt so lucky to be there; it was insane. I can’t wait for people to see that one.

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice New Trailer Highlights More of the Sequels Plot and Practical Effects

Nostalgia Meets Innovation

The film taps into both familiarity and freshness—a recipe likely to engage fans old and new alike. Winona Ryder’s return is particularly notable for those who cherish her original portrayal of Lydia. As Burton himself remarked during CinemaCon: You’ve waited an eternity for this.

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice New Trailer Highlights More of the Sequels Plot and Practical Effects

As anticipation builds for its release on September 6th, excitement brews among fans looking forward to seeing how timeless characters like Betelgeuse are brought back with that unique blend of humor and eerie delight only Tim Burton can deliver.

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