Bashas Introduces Two New Flavors for National Donut Day Celebration

In anticipation of National Donut Day on Friday, Bashas’ has pulled all the stops to make this celebration even sweeter. Starting June 7, customers will find two exciting new flavors in Bashas’ bakery cases: ‘Pot of Honey’ and ‘What’s Up, Doc?’. These winning flavors, created by a talented teen from Gilbert and a creative adult from Mesa, bring a pop-culture twist to the grocer’s offerings.

Bashas Introduces Two New Flavors for National Donut Day Celebration

The annual competition, now in its ninth year, saw submissions ranging from Taylor Swift to Pac-Man-themed donuts. According to Edward “Trey” Basha , Bashas invites kids and adults from across the state to envision unique donut flavors. A panel of local celebrity judges then selects the top entries. Elizabeth B., a 17-year-old winner, drew inspiration from Winnie-the-Pooh for her ‘Pot of Honey’ donut.

Bashas Introduces Two New Flavors for National Donut Day Celebration

Bashas has also enhanced the festivities with a special offer: buy a dozen donuts on June 7 and get an additional six for free. It’s no surprise that Basha’s is often recognized for its made-from-scratch donuts, distinguishing itself amidst Arizona’s competitive supermarket scene.

Bashas Introduces Two New Flavors for National Donut Day Celebration

The celebration is not just about savoring sweet treats – it’s also for a good cause. Bashas will donate 10 percent of its doughnut sales that day to The Salvation Army, reflecting an ongoing tradition started in June 1938 to honor volunteers who served donuts to soldiers on the frontlines during World War I.

Bashas Introduces Two New Flavors for National Donut Day Celebration

Bashas executives shared their enthusiasm for National Donut Day, stating, We are thrilled to celebrate National Donut Day with our customers and recognize the creativity of these two winning flavor creators.

Bashas Introduces Two New Flavors for National Donut Day Celebration

This day is more than just fun; it highlights the community-focused ethos that Bashas’ holds dear. Customers and media personalities have been active in celebrating on social media, bolstering excitement for these new, innovative flavors.

Bashas Introduces Two New Flavors for National Donut Day Celebration

If you’re in Arizona this Friday, don’t miss out on this festive occasion at your local Bashas’. It’s a perfect time to enjoy some popular made-from-scratch donuts while contributing to a worthy cause!

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