Barbie Pascual Opens Up About Future Plans After Below Deck’s Dramatic Finale

The conclusion of Below Deck season 11 left fans pondering about the future of Barbie Pascual and Kyle Stillie. The pair’s boatmance was a central storyline throughout the season, but as the superyacht docked, so did their relationship.

The Unfolding Drama On Board

Barbie Pascual Opens Up About Future Plans After Below Deck’s Dramatic Finale In the early stages of the charter, Barbie admitted she was uncertain about her feelings towards Kyle. She expressed, I wasn’t sure if I should validate my feelings. Conversely, Kyle was pretty clear all season about his attraction to Barbie and patiently allowed her to sort through her emotions.

Conflicts And Clarity

Their connection, though steady, wasn’t without hiccups. On the final crew night out, an intoxicated Kyle failed to support Barbie during an argument with another crew member. This led to Barbie packing her things in anger and eventually leaving St. David in a taxi. Ultimately, despite sharing tender moments earlier, their relationship couldn’t withstand the pressure.

The Aftermath Of The Boatmance

Barbie Pascual Opens Up About Future Plans After Below Deck’s Dramatic Finale While viewers speculated about a possible reconciliation post-show, reports quickly surfaced about Kyle being active on a dating app in Montana – a clear indication that their romance didn’t continue.

Post-Show Relationships And Realizations

Barbie revealed to fans that although she had feelings for Kyle, they weren’t compatible off the yacht. She shared that she has now found happiness with someone whose values align better with hers. Reflecting on their time together, she said, I adored Kyle but we didn’t continue after our time on the series.

Barbie Pascual Opens Up About Future Plans After Below Deck’s Dramatic Finale

The Next Chapter For Barbie And Kyle

Both have moved on from the yacht life: Kyle is back in Scotland and active on social media, while Barbie is focusing on her new relationship. Though their boatmance was short-lived, it provided an intriguing subplot for viewers throughout the season.

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