Animator Father Turns Sons Drawings into Epic Anime Characters

Animator Father Turns Sons Drawings into Epic Anime Characters

Thomas Romain is a French animator responsible for the creation of the animated TV series Code Lyoko. However, when Thomas isn’t busy at work, he has the rather awesome “Father and Sons” project of turning his kids’ drawings into full-blown anime characters. Top parenting!

Check out his epic creations below. and you can donate to the Father and Sons project here:

Animator Father Turns Sons Drawings into Epic Anime Characters

This looks almost like a new age warrior goddess, a new version of a Valkyrie perhaps.

Animator Father Turns Sons Drawings into Epic Anime Characters

The term Oculus comes to mind, though it looks more like something you might seen in Star Wars. It actually reminds me of a long-forgotten story from that franchise.

Animator Father Turns Sons Drawings into Epic Anime Characters

In one form or another skaters always seem to find their way into the future. It’s a cool effect though.

Animator Father Turns Sons Drawings into Epic Anime Characters

Hard to tell if this plant ruler is benevolent or otherwise, but it certainly looks a little devilish.

Animator Father Turns Sons Drawings into Epic Anime Characters

This looks like a cross between Monsters and The Mummy. Almost as if Mike read from the book of the dead and drove himself crazy, and somehow gained another eye.

Animator Father Turns Sons Drawings into Epic Anime Characters

It’s like a cross between Davy Jones and the Dr. Facilier, with brushes on his feet. This kid is talented for certain.

Animator Father Turns Sons Drawings into Epic Anime Characters

A demonic version of a Gemini beast is what comes to mind when I look at this. It’s very impressive.

Animator Father Turns Sons Drawings into Epic Anime Characters

I have to wonder if the robot just ran out of juice and got stuck or if there’s something more to this story.

Animator Father Turns Sons Drawings into Epic Anime Characters

This guy does not look like he’s in a good mood. A new style of battlebot maybe?

Animator Father Turns Sons Drawings into Epic Anime Characters

Those protrusions on the sides of his head kind of make it look like he could possibly twirl his head around and make a bludgeon out of them. Just a thought.

Animator Father Turns Sons Drawings into Epic Anime Characters

Whatever it is it certainly as an angelic look to it. Even arch-angelic if you want to go that far.

Animator Father Turns Sons Drawings into Epic Anime Characters

This thing has an obvious fixation on timepieces, which seems natural considering the look of its face.

Animator Father Turns Sons Drawings into Epic Anime Characters

I’m kind of wondering if this kid saw Wild Wild West. That seems to be the inspiration for it at least.

Animator Father Turns Sons Drawings into Epic Anime Characters

These two look like the kind of knights you would find in a kids video game. Their weapons would obviously be enchanted and able to lay down some serious hurt.

Animator Father Turns Sons Drawings into Epic Anime Characters

An avian-like creature capturing other bipedal creatures. Nice twist.

Animator Father Turns Sons Drawings into Epic Anime Characters

These are the first really innocent-looking creatures that have appeared so far. Kind of frog-like in appearance but a lot more dexterity I’m sure.

Animator Father Turns Sons Drawings into Epic Anime Characters

This looks like a gatekeeper of some sort, or a guardian. There’s definitely a foreboding feel to it.

Animator Father Turns Sons Drawings into Epic Anime Characters

It’s like a beholder from Dungeons and Dragons mixed with a giant jellyfish. No doubt it’d be a high-level monster.

Animator Father Turns Sons Drawings into Epic Anime Characters

The mushroom cap aspect of these beings looks like it’s just their head coverings. From the last picture they’re obviously a fully-formed civilization.

Animator Father Turns Sons Drawings into Epic Anime Characters

That would be one massive, ungainly Jaeger if it was used as such.

Animator Father Turns Sons Drawings into Epic Anime Characters

This strikes me as a cross between a Transformer and the Michelin Man. No offense.

Animator Father Turns Sons Drawings into Epic Anime Characters

In any video game this would definitely be a high-level boss character.

Animator Father Turns Sons Drawings into Epic Anime Characters

Seems like a new take on a demon that D&D players have seen before called a Marilith. Same snake body and tail and arms, just a different head.

Animator Father Turns Sons Drawings into Epic Anime Characters

This looks like Pokemon that got out of control.

Animator Father Turns Sons Drawings into Epic Anime Characters

This looks like some demented anime right out of Silent Hill. Creepy but cool.

Animator Father Turns Sons Drawings into Epic Anime Characters

It’d be difficult to sweep this bot’s legs out from under it.

Animator Father Turns Sons Drawings into Epic Anime Characters

This is probably the most innocent-looking creature out of the bunch and it’s cute as all heck.

Animator Father Turns Sons Drawings into Epic Anime Characters

The Kool-Aid man isn’t messing around any longer.

Animator Father Turns Sons Drawings into Epic Anime Characters

Say hello the soldier of the new age.

Animator Father Turns Sons Drawings into Epic Anime Characters

Mike from Monsters’ cousin?

Every one of these is impressive, both from the kid and the father. The son has a huge imagination it seems and the father, well, nothing’s better than bonding with your kid over a shared interest.


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