Andrew McCarthy Reunites with St. Elmo’s Fire Co-Stars in Upcoming BRATS Documentary

In the upcoming Hulu documentary BRATS, Andrew McCarthy takes a nostalgic journey, reuniting with his ‘St. Elmo’s Fire’ costars Emilio Estevez, Demi Moore, Rob Lowe, and many other icons from the ’80s.

Andrew McCarthy Reunites with St. Elmo’s Fire Co-Stars in Upcoming BRATS Documentary

Over 40 years after taking Hollywood by storm, Andrew McCarthy reunites with fellow ‘80s legends including Emilio Estevez, Rob Lowe, Demi Moore, Jon Cryer, Lea Thompson, and Timothy Hutton in BRATS. The documentary presents an intimate look into their careers and bonds shaped during that unforgettable era.

A Peek Into the Reunion

The trailer for BRATS, airing June 13 on Hulu, offers glimpses of candid interviews. For instance, Demi Moore poignantly asks: Why weren’t you there with us? Why weren’t you included? I was sad about all those things. The documentary also revisits their shared hardships under the moniker “Brat Pack”. Estevez reflects on joining this project by saying: I turned everything down because you called me. It was time that we clear the air on a couple things.

Candid Reflections on the Brat Pack Label

Andrew McCarthy recalls seeing the defining New York magazine cover and thinking: ‘Oh,’. He reflects on how the Brat Pack label branded their careers irreversibly. Giving further insights, Rob Lowe confesses it to be a f—ing disaster, showcasing the mixed feelings surrounding this label.

The film doesn’t shy away from these emotional explorations; instead, it delves into why they collectively felt branded and diminished by the term despite their enduring cultural impact.

Andrew McCarthy Reunites with St. Elmo’s Fire Co-Stars in Upcoming BRATS Documentary

Iconic Scenes and Interviews

BRATS includes snippets from iconic films like The Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink, and more. There are also behind-the-scenes footage and interviews conducted during their promotional runs in the ’80s.

The lineup encompasses stars who left an indelible mark: Demi Moore, Anthony Michael Hall, Lea Thompson, Molly Ringwald, Rob Lowe, Ally Sheedy, Judd Nelson, and Emilio Estevez. Their reunion brings about not just nostalgia but also an honest discussion over their experiences back then and now.

Andrew McCarthy Reunites with St. Elmo’s Fire Co-Stars in Upcoming BRATS Documentary

The Resonance of Pretty in Pink

Pretty in Pink, starring Lea Thompson among others, pulls its weight in connecting viewers to the essence of the ’80s. Even today it maintains a 79 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes! Just as Andrew McCarthy’s performance as Blane stood out back then, it continues to resonate with audiences decades later.

Andrew McCarthy Reunites with St. Elmo’s Fire Co-Stars in Upcoming BRATS Documentary

An Emotional Journey Through Time

Andrew McCarthy‘s BRATS is set to premiere at the 2024 Tribeca Film Festival before its wider release on Hulu. The film affords a rare opportunity to revisit a bygone era through heartfelt reconnections. As McCarthy eloquently puts it: Making BRATS was that rare opportunity to dive back into the frozen past and bring it up into the living present.

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