3 Hidden Gem Movies on Prime Video to Watch This June

Last month saw Prime Video drop one of the most impressive slates of new movies, and this June, the streaming giant is back with another collection of hidden gems. While blockbuster hits like ‘Oppenheimer’ often steal the spotlight, these three underrated films deserve a spot in your watchlist.

A unique human story by Charlie Kaufman

One of the most human movies you’ll find on Prime Video is a stop-motion animated feature: Anomalisa. Directed by Charlie Kaufman and Duke Johnson, this comedy-drama centers around Michael Stone, voiced by David Thewlis. Michael is an author and motivational speaker trapped in a mundane existence, but his life takes an intriguing turn upon meeting Lisa, a character brought to life by Jennifer Jason Leigh. Their connection reveals Kaufman’s signature exploration of human emotions and insecurities.

3 Hidden Gem Movies on Prime Video to Watch This June

Anomalisa’s ability to connect deeply using stop-motion figures makes it a must-watch. Watch it on Prime Video starting June 16th.

Steven Spielberg’s lesser-known sci-fi masterpiece

The 1977 classic Close Encounters of the Third Kind, directed by Steven Spielberg, is another film worth revisiting. Richard Dreyfuss stars as Roy Neary, an ordinary electrician who becomes obsessed after a UFO sighting disturbs his everyday life. This film features François Truffaut as Lacombe, a French scientist and UFO expert. Spielberg’s direction shines as he deftly balances personal obsessions with larger scientific inquiries.

3 Hidden Gem Movies on Prime Video to Watch This June

The movie was hailed for its groundbreaking special effects and astonishing storytelling. As Spielberg humorously noted about Truffaut’s film presence, He does. He likes to be himself…. I don’t think he ever played a character in any of his films… but he’s a good enthusiast of his own personality.

Stream this classic on Prime Video now.

A thrilling comedy with Robert De Niro

1988’s Midnight Run pairs Robert De Niro with Charles Grodin in a delightful odd-couple comedy. De Niro plays Jack Walsh, an ex-cop turned bounty hunter tasked with capturing an accountant named Jonathan “The Duke” Mardukas (Grodin), who embezzled millions from the mob and is now wanted.

3 Hidden Gem Movies on Prime Video to Watch This June

This cross-country caper blends action and comedy brilliantly. Between witty banter and harrowing chases, this film keeps you guessing till the end. It’s not surprising that it’s still beloved. One memorable scene has Grodin’s character matter-of-factly telling De Niro’s Jack on a train ride, I’m gonna have to give you the slip, despite knowing the severe consequences.

You can catch Midnight Run on Prime Video right away.

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