Top Chef Episode 11 Highlights With Quickfire Madness and Surprise Wins

Top Chef is in its final stretch, and the latest episode brings all the heat. We’ve got unpredictable eliminations, a new face back in the game, and a Quickfire Challenge like no other.

A Speedy Quickfire Challenge

In a dizzying display of knife skills and nimble footwork, Tom Colicchio plates his dish in about eight minutes. As Tom sets the bar (at 8:37 minutes) with his black sea bass dish, the chefs must plate their own dishes in less than that given time. The way that our chefs applaud and watch like fanboys is pretty entertaining.

Top Chef Episode 11 Highlights With Quickfire Madness and Surprise Wins

Tom announces Mike as the winner for his branzino dish, earning him immunity AND a new Prius.

Laura’s Triumphant Return

Thanks to a successful run on “Last Chance Kitchen”, Laura gets invited back into the game. In the elimination challenge, she impresses everyone with a dessert display of sauces and sweets, featuring baklava that “demanded respect.”

Top Chef Episode 11 Highlights With Quickfire Madness and Surprise Wins

This win earns Laura her first elimination win of the season thus far – and boosts her status as a strong contender going forward.

Manny’s Risotto Fiasco

The elimination challenge sends chefs to Chinatown to cook traditional dim sum during lunch rush hour. During this chaotic rush, Manny decides to make black risotto—a notoriously difficult dish to perfect under pressure.

Top Chef Episode 11 Highlights With Quickfire Madness and Surprise Wins

As expected, his dish ends up coagulated by the time it reaches the judges. Despite making his fifth trip to the bottom this season, he manages to escape elimination yet again.

The Downfall of Michelle

While Manny survives another week, Michelle isn’t so lucky. Tasked with plating food directly on a table, she starts overthinking and shifts from her initial crawfish boil idea to a brunch plate which was less than impressive.

The elements didn’t cohere together… Michelle did make the worst dish of the day – and with that, a favorite in every sense of the word falls short of the finale.

Dan’s Beet Tartare Wins Hearts

Hometown chef Dan Jacobs showcases his creativity with beet tartare served on a table inspired by Jackson Pollock’s signature splatters. He even introduced a new category of bread called “puffin, or pita-English muffin.”

Top Chef Episode 11 Highlights With Quickfire Madness and Surprise Wins

This creative presentation earns him yet another top finish just as this season’s Milwaukee chapter comes to a close.

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