Three Kids Uncover Rare Juvenile T. rex Fossil During Family Hike

A trio of young fossil hunters made an extraordinary discovery when they stumbled upon an extremely rare Tyrannosaurus rex fossil during a family hike. Researchers believe this remarkable find could transform our understanding of dinosaurs.

Brothers Liam and Jessin Fisher, ages 9 and 12, along with their cousin Kaiden Madsen, 11, were on a fossil hunting adventure in the North Dakota badlands in 2022 when they found what appeared to be large bones protruding from the ground.

Three Kids Uncover Rare Juvenile T. rex Fossil During Family Hike

Contacting the Experts

The children sent a photo to their father’s high-school classmate, Dr. Tyler Lyson, at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. Dr. Lyson, who had his own history of dinosaur finds in the area, quickly recognized the potential significance of the bones.

Three Kids Uncover Rare Juvenile T. rex Fossil During Family Hike

Excavation and Discovery

In the summer of 2023, the junior explorers returned to the site to assist Dr. Lyson’s team in excavating the fossil. The discovery turned out to be an incredible treasure: it was not only the most complete T. rex the museum had ever collected but also a rare juvenile specimen nicknamed “Teen Rex”.

Three Kids Uncover Rare Juvenile T. rex Fossil During Family Hike

Paleontologists used a combination of techniques to study this rare fossil, including detailed recording, 3D scanning, and close observation.

Contextual Significance

This wasn’t just any T. rex; it was a teenage T. rex, a discovery that could help scientists fill in crucial gaps in our understanding of how these fearsome predators grew from hatchlings to hulking adults.

Three Kids Uncover Rare Juvenile T. rex Fossil During Family Hike

The skeleton of Teen Rex has been meticulously studied using cutting-edge technologies such as CT scanning and 3D modeling to estimate its age and development stage.

Educational Impact and Future Plans

According to Dr. Lyson, By going outside and embracing their passions and the thrill of discovery, these boys have made an incredible dinosaur discovery that advances science and deepens our understanding of the natural world.

Three Kids Uncover Rare Juvenile T. rex Fossil During Family Hike

Future excavation plans involve returning to the site in summer 2024 to see if more parts of this amazing specimen can be uncovered.

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