THR cover star Glen Powell on how the success of Anyone But You put him on the map

THR cover star Glen Powell on how the success of Anyone But You put him on the map

Glen Powell’s journey to fame wasn’t a smooth one, but it’s a testament to his perseverance. Despite having roles in popular movies and TV shows, it was his portrayal of Lt. Jake “Hangman” Seresin in Top Gun: Maverick that truly made audiences notice him.

He shared with The Hollywood Reporter about the struggle he faced while waiting for the movie’s release during the pandemic. As studios moved towards streaming, Tom Cruise insisted on a theatrical release, causing financial strain for Powell. I’d never made any significant amount of money on a movie, including ‘Top Gun,’ and I was depleting a bank account to a point where my accountant was like, ‘This pandemic cannot last much longer,’ Powell revealed.

Cruise’s faith in the film paid off when Top Gun: Maverick grossed nearly $1.5 billion globally, solidifying Powell’s presence in Hollywood. Reflecting on the role, Powell stated, I wanted him to be reminiscent of [Iceman] Val Kilmer—a guy who was having fun saving the day.

THR cover star Glen Powell on how the success of Anyone But You put him on the map

From Maverick to Rom-Coms

Following his success with Top Gun: Maverick, Powell ventured into romantic comedies. His recent R-rated rom-com, Anyone But You, alongside Sydney Sweeney, exemplifies his range as an actor. Powell explained their choice to stick with a theatrical release despite lucrative streaming offers, asserting that they prioritized cultural impact over guaranteed paydays.

If we make this on a streamer, it won’t have any cultural impact. And everyone was saying rom-coms were dead theatrically so we knew we could get hosed, but we thought, ‘Let’s take the gamble,’ he said. Their risk paid off—the film garnered $219 million against a $25 million budget.

The Gamble Paid Off

The chemistry between Powell and Sweeney drove much of the movie’s buzz. Rumors about their off-screen relationship only added to the anticipation and allure of the film. Even if it’s me taking my clothes off on the side of a fricking cliff, you got to do some shit in here that makes noise, Powell joked about their bold marketing moves.

THR cover star Glen Powell on how the success of Anyone But You put him on the map

A Grounded Approach to Stardom

Despite his rising fame, Powell remains grounded. He splits his time between New York City, Los Angeles, and his family ranch in Austin, Texas. In an interview from his new Manhattan apartment, he remarked about his fondness for New York and how it fills him up unlike Los Angeles. I spend most of my time in Austin, Texas around my family, he said with a smile.

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