The Real Housewives of Atlanta 4.15 Review: Ladies Who Lunch…and Fight

real housewives of atlantaThe Real Housewives of Atlanta had barely touched down from their 10 day excursion to Africa before the drama began once again. You’d think there’d be a little jet lag or desire to recharge from nearly two weeks away, but things like energy and over 10 hour flights don’t stop any seasoned veteran of reality TV, as evidenced by last night’s episode.

Things built toward a lunch at Kim’s house where the comments that Kandi and Cynthia made during a safari were addressed. You knew that something like this wouldn’t be swept under the rug, particularly after Sheree’s phone call in the last episode, and it didn’t disappoint, as things got loud in a hurry and no real conclusions were arrived at. I figured that, in hopes of keeping her friendship with Kim alive, Kandi would back away and cop to what she said, but surprisingly, she held tight. But instead of going unabashedly messy with it and being all “yeah, I said that – and what?”, Kandi tried to get off on a technicality, in that Sheree didn’t phrase things properly. But like…even knowing the full story, what Kandi said was awful and in no way deserved to be defended. She may not have explicitly stated that she didn’t think Kim would hold a black baby, but the footage of what she said strongly indicates racial undertones (she mentions the visual of Kim and a baby, then trails off like “if you get what I mean”).

It just seems like Kandi’s terrified of coming off bad, so she wants to be in the corner talking trash with the rest of ’em, but call her on it and she melts down. I could almost respect her more if she was owned up to everything and didn’t apologize, because she’d at least be honest about her true feelings instead of trying to part and parcel every word. Aside from the racial connotation of her comments, did she really think Sheree, known pot stirrer and Kim’s friend for 10 years, wouldn’t say anything? Are you new to this thing? Nothing said is off limits to being repeated back. Maybe think more next time about what you say, who could hear it, and if you’re ready to back up that comment when people find out.

But don’t get me wrong, Kim is still awful and that’s a shame. Up until last night’s episode, I had been enjoying the newly domestic Kim, intentionally keeping herself out of the drama and focused on her family. The Kim that we saw last night, though, was an ugly, entitled creature that needs to disappear back into the netherworld she came from. I know if my boss talked to me like Kim did Sweetie last night, I’d be out the door in half a second, money and fame be damned. I do think she wants to leave and is messing up/latching back until shown the door; she doesn’t want to leave the benefits that come from being Kim’s assistant, but she can’t take her anymore, so she’s going to wait it out and let Kim do the dirty work for her. Very passive aggressive.

I can understand Kim being stressed due to not having Kroy and being a new mom for the first time in years, but being stressed doesn’t give you the right to treat people sub-human, particularly when you’re in Kim’s situation. All the “I’m so alone” mess struck me funny because Kim has it better than 99% of people, in terms of child care/help around the house; she has two housekeepers, a chef, two parents, two daughters, and an assistant, so to hear her piss and moan about being the only person to take care of her child is ludicrous. I mean, in last night’s episode, what did she do for KJ? Rock him a little bit? The rest of the time, she kept handing him off to Pincha and Febe, so pardon me as I don’t shed a tear for Miss Kim.

I’m also not shedding a tear for Miss NeNe over the recent arrest of her son, this time over shoplifting charges. Instead of being there for her son during her split from Greg, NeNe has been globe trotting and hanging out with the Kardashians, so she can’t be too shocked that an already troubled, directionless child acts out for attention. Ever since her time on Celebrity Apprentice, NeNe has been living with bleached blonde head planted firmly in butt, only popping out to talk out how much money she has or something similar, and that’s finally caught up with her when it comes to Bryson. She doesn’t need to baby him or let him act any kind of way, but you can’t be upset about your child’s life if you’re barely present in it and don’t seem that interested in them in general. Bryson knows NeNe’s all over it when he misbehaves and that it can keep her home; right or wrong, NeNe needs to put down the checkbook and tend to her home life, before her younger son follows in Bryson’s footsteps.

The Real Housewives of Atlanta was all types of passive aggressive last night. Kandi couldn’t come right out and say what she needed to say, Cynthia didn’t buy Peter anything in Africa, Sweetie is enjoying the last of her time in the spotlight, and Bryson continues to act out to get his mother to pay attention, so nothing really got accomplished in terms of clearing the air and moving the heck on. Nonetheless, it was a fun episode, if only for Phaedra’s one liners and beautiful reaction to World War III breaking out on Kim’s patio. It looks like even our southern belle enjoys a show every now and then.

Thoughts, Quotes, & Observations:
-“Girl, you better build.”
-“The last time they were with me, they didn’t show me their bank statements.”
-“I love babies.”
-I hope Kandi keeps the bob she had during the talking heads. It looked very nice on her.
-NeNe’s big bag of snacks was everything.
-I’ll bet money Kim hasn’t changed a diaper in her life.
-Why did Lisa leave The Real Housewives of Atlanta?
-Didn’t need to know about Peter blowing Cynthia’s back out on the regular, but that may just be me?
-Next week on The Real Housewives of Atlanta: Phaedra tries to learn about putting make-up on a corpse, Peter’s still broke (and throwing shade at Mal), Sweetie cusses at Brielle, and Greg wants to take a different approach to Bryson.

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