The Pros And Cons Of Ryan Reynolds Returning As Hal Jordan

The Pros And Cons Of Ryan Reynolds Returning As Hal Jordan

Have you guys checked out the Zack Snyder Cut of Justice League yet on HBO Max? If not, you better get on it. I don’t want to talk about the Snyder Cut today, but I do want to talk about a certain part of it. Remember that awesome cameo at the end? Oh yeah, that was cool. Now I don’t want to spoil it for the people who haven’t watched it yet, but you know what? I very much want to talk about it. So, here’s a little spoiler warning for those who for some reason haven’t watched the Snyder Cut yet. But for real, if you have HBO Max, check it out.

So before the Snyder Cut did come out, you might of heard the news about a secret cameo at the end. Boy, did that get me excited. So who was it? Here’s a hint: he was green. No, it’s not you think it is. Yes, I was really hoping it was going to be Green Lantern too. But, the secret cameo we got at the end of the Snyder Cut was J’onn J’onzz, aka Martian Manhunter.

Now I love Martian Manhunter. Seeing him in a live-action movie for the first time was awesome, even though we might not see that particular version again. Then again, there were those who claimed the Snyder Cut would never see the light of day. We all know how that turned out in the end.

Personally, I would’ve preferred if the secret cameo was Green Lantern. First of all, we already knew Martian Manhunter was in the movie. Was it really a surprise cameo if we all knew he was going to appear? As cool as it was to see him, I think Green Lantern would’ve been a lot cooler. Speaking of which, it turns out Zack Snyder himself agrees. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Zack Snyder did indeed confirm that he wanted Hal Jordan to appear in his version.

Oh, but it gets even better. Not only did he want Hal Jordan, but he wanted the first actor who portrayed Hal Jordan in his first live-action movie. Yes, for those who remember it, the 2011 Green Lantern movie, starring the one and only Ryan Reynolds. Now I’ll confess, I didn’t hate that movie, but I was immensely disappointed when I saw it back in 2011. As a huge Green Lantern fan, I’ve been waiting to see a proper live-action Green Lantern movie for a while now. I thought the 2011 movie was going to be that chance, but it was just another disappointment. So when the Green Lantern Corps movie was announced for the DC Cinematic Universe, I was excited. And when’s that movie coming again? Last year, right?

Okay, so let’s just be optimistic and say we’re still getting a DCEU Green Lantern movie. Zack Snyder apparently thinks Ryan Reynolds is good enough to come back, but I think a lot of people would disagree. But here’s another shocker to this news. Not only did Zack Snyder want Ryan Reynolds back as Hal Jordan, but he also said he was going to be an additional Green Lantern. That means there was going to be another Green Lantern accompanying him. I think we all know who that other Green Lantern was going to be. If you watched the old Justice League cartoon, you might remember John Stewart, the second Green Lantern. Oh boy, now I really wished these cameos happened.

If getting Ryan Reynolds back as Hal Jordan meant setting up a buddy cop-style movie with John Stewart, then I would’ve taken it. Okay, maybe getting that buddy-cop-style Green Lantern movie seems like a stretch, but that’s the movie we need. And yes, I think Ryan Reynolds can deliver the kind of Hal Jordan to make that movie a fun, space opera ride.

Now I get why many fans wouldn’t want him back. I mean, he wasn’t so good the first time, so why have him back? Better question, why would he want to come back? Ryan Reynolds has openly made fun of his second superhero role, especially in his Deadpool movies. No matter what, Deadpool is his role. After all the jokes he’s made, it’s kind of hard to imagine him returning to the role, even if it’s for a cameo.

The biggest downside to Ryan Reynolds reprising his role would unfortunately be everyone remembering the 2011 movie. Some people might have gotten over it, but I think the majority still widely dislikes it. I can’t blame them, it wasn’t a good movie. However, if we’re being fair, the production behind that movie was a mess. According to Reynolds, that movie was something they rushed into without a real game plan. Evidently, Reynolds had a half-baked script to work with and not the most motivated crew. His lack of enthusiasm showed in the movie and that’s why it failed. The point is, we can’t put the blame on Ryan Reynolds for the 2011 movie. It’s just not fair on him. Deadpool was a project he put a lot of time and heart into and that’s why it was significantly better than Green Lantern.

Personally, I just find it difficult to convince Ryan Reynolds to reprise the role. Now best case scenario, Zack Snyder gives him a crazy offer he can’t refuse or he just pitches him a very good story. I can imagine Ryan Reynolds delivering a good Hal Jordan if he has a good script to work with. He has the look, the mannerisms, and can imitate the personality of Hal Jordan. Heck, that’s probably why he was hired in the first place. The issue, however, wasn’t him. If Ryan Reynolds were to return as Hal Jordan, he can do better than last time, as long as he has a good script and crew to work with.

The thing is, I already see him as Deadpool. I would rather see another actor as the first Green Lantern. Karl Urban, anybody? And no, not Tom Cruise. Whether he returns or not, I just want to see Hal Jordan and the Corps return to the big-screen. All we have to do is wait, DC fans.

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