Star Trek Section 31 Details Emerge plus New Horror Film They Will Kill You

It’s official – more details are emerging about the highly anticipated Star Trek: Section 31 starring Michelle Yeoh. This upcoming film has fans buzzing with excitement as it promises to delve deeper into the enigmatic universe of Section 31. The first look at Michelle Yeoh has been released, showcasing her reprising her role as Emperor Philippa Georgiou. In the preview, Yeoh appears in an outfit reminiscent of her costume from Star Trek: Discovery, whispering to a character adorned with intriguing metal technology.

Star Trek Section 31 Details Emerge plus New Horror Film They Will Kill You

First Look at They Will Kill You

Meanwhile, there’s significant buzz around Skydance’s new horror label, Nocturna, co-owned by Andy Muschietti & Barbara Muschietti, known for their work in It and It: Chapter Two. The Nocturna label’s first project is set to be a gripping horror film titled They Will Kill You. This thrilling venture will feature Zazie Beetz, familiar to audiences from her role in Joker.

Star Trek Section 31 Details Emerge plus New Horror Film They Will Kill You

The film follows the story of a woman who answers an ad to be a housekeeper in a puzzling New York City high-rise. Unbeknownst to her, she is stepping into an environment that has seen numerous disappearances over the years.

A Talented Team Behind They Will Kill You

The creative minds behind this project include Kirill Sokolov, known for his work on Why Don’t You Just Die!, who joins forces with co-writer Alex Litvak. The film is produced by a stellar team including David Ellison, Dana Goldberg, Don Granger, the Muschiettis, Dan Kagan, Russell Ackerman, and John Schoenfelder.

Kudos for The Shadow’s Director

Critics have already praised director Kirill Sokolov for his previous works. Film critic Mark Kermode lauded Babak Anvari‘s first feature film, Under the Shadow, proclaiming it his favorite film of 2016. This recognition underpins the anticipation surrounding Nocturna’s efforts and builds substantial expectations for their new horror label.

Star Trek Section 31 Details Emerge plus New Horror Film They Will Kill You

The setting of a confining apartment block reminiscent of 80s Tehran and its narrative framework heavily draws from genre-defining films like The Babadook, The Exorcist, and J-horror classics such as Dark Water. These influences cast high hopes for what Nocturna has in store for horror enthusiasts.

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