Sony Considers Sequel to 80s Classic St. Elmo’s Fire with Original Brat Pack Cast

Sony Considers Sequel to 80s Classic St. Elmo’s Fire with Original Brat Pack Cast

Andrew McCarthy’s new Hulu documentary Brats has sparked renewed interest in revisiting one of the 1980s’ classic films, St. Elmo’s Fire. According to Deadline, Sony is currently exploring the possibility of a sequel.

The potential sequel appears to hinge on reuniting the original cast: McCarthy, Emilio Estevez, Rob Lowe, Demi Moore, Judd Nelson, Ally Sheedy, and Mare Winningham. Deadline mentions that this idea is still in the very early going, with no script penned as of yet.

Joel Schumacher’s Classic Getting a Fresh Look

The late Joel Schumacher directed St. Elmo’s Fire, which hit theaters in 1985. The film centers around a group of Georgetown University graduates grappling with the responsibilities of adulthood. It was a surprise hit then, grossing $37.8 million on a $10 million budget.Sony Considers Sequel to 80s Classic St. Elmo’s Fire with Original Brat Pack Cast

NBC Series Revival That Never Came to Fruition

This isn’t the first recent attempt to revisit St. Elmo’s Fire. NBC began developing a TV series based on the film in 2019, but they confirmed last year that the project had been shelved.

Sony Considers Sequel to 80s Classic St. Elmo’s Fire with Original Brat Pack Cast

The Brat Pack Legacy in the Spotlight Again

McCarthy recently dived into his Brat Pack days during an interview on the podcast Kyle Meredith With…. He discussed how Brats, his new documentary, helped him come to terms with being part of this famous collective.Sony Considers Sequel to 80s Classic St. Elmo’s Fire with Original Brat Pack Cast

St. Elmo’s Fire‘s original cast included notable names such as Rob Lowe (in a memorable role wearing a bats tank top and playing the saxophone), and Demi Moore as a character struggling with financial issues and addiction.Sony Considers Sequel to 80s Classic St. Elmo’s Fire with Original Brat Pack Cast

Demi Moore, Rob Lowe, Emilio Estevez, Ally Sheedy, Judd Nelson, Mare Winningham, Andrew McCarthy, and Andie McDowell are part of the cast of St. Elmo’s Fire, portraying young adults embarking on various life challenges post-college.Sony Considers Sequel to 80s Classic St. Elmo’s Fire with Original Brat Pack Cast

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