Scheana Shay on VPR’s Possible Cancellation and Cast Pressures

Scheana Shay on VPR’s Possible Cancellation and Cast Pressures

During a recent episode of her Scheananigans podcast, Scheana Shay revealed some behind-the-scenes drama involving the hit show Vanderpump Rules. According to Scheana, producers once warned her that the show could face cancellation due to lack of drama.

Scheana opened up about a pivotal meeting with producers, stating, I know [executive producer] Alex Baskin has said that midseason, the show was not in a good place. It was, you know, ‘X, Y and Z needs to happen. Or we’re going to have a short season and the show’s going to be canceled and that’s it. Go live your lives.’

Pressure on Cast Members

The tension affected how key cast members approached the season. Scheana said she and Lala Kent felt an immense amount of pressure following that conversation. I think Lala and I felt a lot of pressure after that day when it was like, ‘Well, we don’t want the show to get canceled,’ she added.

Impact of Sandoval’s Scandal

Season 11 had already been tumultuous due to Tom Sandoval’s affair with Rachel Raquel Leviss coming to light. Scheana noted that this put everyone in a difficult position. The cast initially rallied around Ariana Madix after her split from Sandoval but walking this tightrope became increasingly challenging as the season progressed.

Scheana Shay on VPR’s Possible Cancellation and Cast Pressures

Baskin’s ‘Come to Jesus’ Moment

According to The New York Times, Baskin had gathered the cast into Evolution’s offices for what he called a ‘Come to Jesus’ moment. He mentioned that there would still be room to squeeze a great season out but expressed uncertainty about the future.

Scheana’s Reasoning for Forgiveness

Scheana also elaborated on why she was more inclined than others to forgive Sandoval on-screen. She explained there were many more people reliant on the show’s continuation.There’s so many more people that do rely on this, and that’s where it just got really hard because I’m like, I do understand and respect your boundaries but it just made it really difficult.

Lala Under Scrutiny

Lala Kent later issued an apology for how she responded when fans questioned her behavior regarding filming with Sandoval. However, Scheana largely stood by her decision, emphasizing the broader implications of terminating the show.

Scheana Shay on VPR’s Possible Cancellation and Cast Pressures

Ariana Holding Her Ground

Scheana expressed conflicting feelings during the whole ordeal. She respected Ariana for holding her ground about not filming with Sandoval but also understood Lala’s viewpoint.I completely understand Lala. Then I also understand Ariana being like, ‘But this isn’t real and we’re supposed to film our real lives.’ So there are two things that can be true at the same time.

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