Ron Howard Explores Jim Henson’s Creative Genius in New Documentary

Ron Howard, whose latest directorial effort is the documentary Jim Henson: The Idea Man, delved deeply into the world of Jim Henson Company and its beloved characters. Despite spending countless hours immersed in this universe, his favorite Muppet remains unchanged.

Ron Howard Explores Jim Henson’s Creative Genius in New Documentary

It’s Kermit, which is kind of an easy answer, he told Entertainment Weekly. He’s a pretty regular guy just trying to get along, and yet, he’s surrounded by a bunch of high-octane, eccentric folks. He’s trying to be the reasonable one in a world that could sometimes seem kind of mad. Jim got that, and I do, too.

Howard explained how Henson’s introverted nature transformed when working with puppets. He became playful and more buoyant… For me, being on the set and directing is when I become an extrovert, shared Howard. It’s fascinating to see how puppetry allowed Henson’s personality to shine.

Ron Howard Explores Jim Henson’s Creative Genius in New Documentary

The Origins of Kermit the Frog

A clip from the film reveals how Kermit came to be. Howard recounts, Kermit started as his mother’s coat, the fabric from some old coat she was throwing away… They didn’t even know he was a frog for a long time. They didn’t know what he was. This endearing backstory adds another layer to Kermit’s charm.

Ron Howard Explores Jim Henson’s Creative Genius in New Documentary

Exploring Henson’s Life

Howard spent extensive time understanding Jim Henson’s life, as detailed in the documentary that chronicles Henson’s life from childhood to his untimely death at 53. In his research, Howard discovered unexpected aspects of Henson’s journey. He shared, I had no idea about the dimension of his journey and his wife Jane’s creative path. Jane played an unsung yet crucial role in shaping the Muppets.

Ron Howard Explores Jim Henson’s Creative Genius in New Documentary

The Impact of Jane Henson

Jane Henson’s pivotal contribution emerged as a key theme in Howard’s documentary. He emphasized her essential involvement in developing Muppet characters and training talents like Frank Oz. None of this would’ve happened without her, he stated, highlighting her indispensable role behind the scenes.

Ron Howard Explores Jim Henson’s Creative Genius in New Documentary

Diving into Experimental Films

The experimental film Time Piece provided invaluable insights into Henson’s mind. Howard reflects on how it encapsulates Henson’s creativity: If you really want to know our dad, look at Time Piece… it has this sense of kinetic energy, creativity, wit, and irony. This short film stands as a testament to Henson’s genius beyond the realm of puppetry.

An Unconventional Legacy

Howard also shed light on a paradox within Henson – balancing traditional family values while being part of the ’60s counterculture movement. This duality enriched his creative output but surprised those who knew him intimately.

Ron Howard Explores Jim Henson’s Creative Genius in New Documentary

The Aesthetic Influence on Filmmaking

The film prominently features interviews designed with an aesthetic inspired by The Cube – a whimsical TV show created by Jim. This unique approach helped marry past influences with narratively driven interviews as Howard elaborated, It felt like they were sharing Jim’s space… keep flooding our screen with images from all those characters….

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