Robot Dreams A Touching Animated Story of 1980s New York and Unlikely Friendship

Robot Dreams A Touching Animated Story of 1980s New York and Unlikely Friendship

The 2024 Oscar nominee for best animated feature, Robot Dreams, directed by Pablo Berger, offers an engaging exploration of friendship’s beauty and frailty. Set in a nostalgically stylized 1980s New York City teeming with anthropomorphic animals and devoid of spoken dialogue, this film is both a visual and emotional feast.

Robot Dreams A Touching Animated Story of 1980s New York and Unlikely Friendship

A Quiet Tale with Emotional Resonance

We first meet Dog, living a solitary life in his sparse East Village apartment. His routine of work, walking, and consuming microwaved TV dinners sets a melancholic tone, underscoring his loneliness. This changes when he sends away for a do-it-yourself robot kit after seeing an ad that asks, Are You Alone?. The arrival of Robot marks the beginning of an inseparable bond.

Robot Dreams A Touching Animated Story of 1980s New York and Unlikely Friendship

Adventures in an Anthropomorphic New York

The duo’s escapades around New York City’s vibrant streets are visually delightful. Berger lived in NYC for a decade, affectionately referring to Robot Dreams as his love letter to the city. His detailed depictions of the metropolis filled with rhinos, giraffes, and other critters evoke nostalgia without leaning into cutesiness.

A scene where Dog and Robot skate through Central Park to the tune of Earth, Wind & Fire’s September is particularly memorable. However, their joy takes a drastic turn at Coney Island when seawater rusts Robot’s joints. Immobile and lying on the sand as the beach season ends, Robot’s plight poignantly highlights their vulnerability.

Robot Dreams A Touching Animated Story of 1980s New York and Unlikely Friendship

Visual Storytelling Honoring Influences

The film draws from Sara Varon’s 2007 graphic novel but adds unique visual and narrative depth. Berger was inspired by classics like The Wizard of Oz, Busby Berkeley’s choreography, and Jacques Tati’s comedic timing, creating a rich tapestry that is both heartfelt and humorous. The clean graphic style echoes Hergé’s Tintin books, providing clear lines and flat colors that heighten emotional engagement.

A Universal Appeal Across Ages

Although animated, Robot Dreams transcends age boundaries. Its themes of loss and recovery resonate deeply across generations. As viewer A.O. Scott reflects,The movie is as much for adults as it is for children.

Robot Dreams A Touching Animated Story of 1980s New York and Unlikely Friendship

Pablo Berger’s Distinctive Approach

This marks Berger’s first venture into animation after directing three live-action features. He has said, This film brings together my love for New York with the storytelling potential of animation. The evocative dream sequences in the film encapsulate both characters’ yearnings for reunion, blending whimsy with heartfelt sincerity.

Image of Dog and Robot in Central Park

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