Richard Linklater’s Hit Man Takes Risks Amid a Safe Studio Landscape

Netflix’s new comedy Hit Man, directed by Boyhood‘s Richard Linklater, is a refreshing break from today’s cinema trends. Known for its complex themes involving American law enforcement, sex, and morally ambiguous relationships, it’s the kind of film we’re often told can’t be made in 2024.

Richard Linklater’s Hit Man Takes Risks Amid a Safe Studio Landscape

This [casting] is fully [dependent] on chemistry, says Linklater about his approach, reminding us of his unique storytelling style evident in past works like School of Rock and Bernie.

Why Movies Like Hit Man are Rare Today

A major reason why films like Hit Man struggle to get made today lies in the changing priorities of studio executives. According to Linklater:

Richard Linklater’s Hit Man Takes Risks Amid a Safe Studio Landscape

Eric Schlosser: Well, this could have been a disastrously, stupidly bad idea for a film, and I don’t think it turned out that way. But it certainly isn’t an obvious thing to do, to make it fictional. This sentiment resonates with the way Hit Man chose paths less traveled. Despite this risk, the film manages to be a crowd-pleaser with sharp writing, strong direction, and stellar performances.

Controversial Content at the Core

Andor actor Adria Arjona plays a domestic abuse victim in the movie who seeks out Powell’s character to kill her husband, only to enter a controversial romance. This aspect of their relationship has sparked discussions due to its dubious consent dynamics.

Richard Linklater’s Hit Man Takes Risks Amid a Safe Studio Landscape

The narrative structure adopts a unique mockumentary style reminiscent of I, Tonya, allowing audiences to delve into characters’ perspectives deeply. This structure helps underscore the complexities within Arjona’s role.

Strong Chemistry Between Leads

Around 3 p.m. one afternoon in West Hollywood’s famous San Vicente Bungalows, Glen Powell and Adria Arjona brainstormed over ‘Hit Man,’ which Powell co-wrote with Linklater. They discussed bringing authenticity and chemistry crucial for their roles.

Richard Linklater’s Hit Man Takes Risks Amid a Safe Studio Landscape

A Defiant Yet Successful Film

The marketing department calling shots has led many modern films to becoming safe choices that adhere to prevalent social standards. However, Hit Man defies this trend powerfully. Its success despite limited theatrical release showcases how movies are getting greenlit by the marketing department, yet can still thrive on creative visions when given a chance.

This unpredictability shines through in its climax where Powell’s and Arjona’s characters navigate complex hurdles in an adrenaline-fueled sequence akin to classic screwball comedies.

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