Remembering Josh Maravich Son of Basketball Great Pete Maravich

Josh Maravich, the son of Basketball Hall of Famer Pete Maravich and former LSU basketball player, has passed away at the age of 42. The school announced his death on Sunday, stating that he died on Friday at his family home in Covington, Louisiana.

Remembering Josh Maravich Son of Basketball Great Pete Maravich

Following His Legendary Father’s Path

Josh Maravich followed in his legendary father’s footsteps and played four seasons of basketball at LSU from 2001-2005. In a 2005 article with The Daily Reveille, the LSU school paper, he remarked, I wanted to come here for my dad to make him proud. Although Josh acknowledged he wouldn’t be a star player, he valued being a walk-on, which was his long-standing dream.

Remembering Josh Maravich Son of Basketball Great Pete Maravich

Pete Maravich’s Enduring Legacy

Pete Maravich remains an iconic figure in basketball history. He was the NCAA’s all-time leading scorer and had a fresh wave of recognition when his record was broken by Iowa’s Caitlin Clark. Unfortunately, Pete Maravich passed away in 1988 at just 40 years old due to an undiagnosed heart condition.

Remembering Josh Maravich Son of Basketball Great Pete Maravich

Honoring Pistol Pete

In 2022, a bronze statue of Pete Maravich was unveiled. It depicted him in his iconic behind-the-back pass pose, an idea credited to both Josh and his brother Jaeson. Additionally, Josh and his mother Jackie spoke on behalf of the late Pete during the Atlanta Hawks’ retirement ceremony for Pete’s jersey in 2017.

Remembering Josh Maravich Son of Basketball Great Pete Maravich

Caitlin Clark Breaks Pistol Pete’s Record

The elder Maravich received renewed publicity earlier this year when Caitlin Clark broke his all-time NCAA Division I scoring record. At that momentous event, Clark stood alone at the free-throw line and made the shots that left her atop the all-time scoring chart.

Remembering Josh Maravich Son of Basketball Great Pete Maravich

Lynette Woodard reflected on this achievement by saying, Records are made to be broken. Also, they’re made to be honored. Because of her, my records are being honored. She’s gone beyond that now; she’s gone beyond Pete… I passed her the baton to go ahead and burst through that ceiling, and I’m so happy for her.

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