Rachel Leviss Finds Satisfaction in Watching Tom Sandoval on Special Forces

Tom Sandoval has joined the cast of Special Forces season 2, and his ex, Rachel Leviss, did not hold back her feelings about it. During a recent episode of Rachel Goes Rogue podcast, she opened up about her reasons for tuning into the show.

Rachel Leviss Finds Satisfaction in Watching Tom Sandoval on Special Forces

Tuning In for Sandoval’s Painful Challenges

I think I might have to tune in to watch that, Rachel remarked on her podcast (via Entertainment Tonight). She continued to emphasize how fascinating the concept was, especially given Tom’s previous actions. The news snippet quoted her saying, I feel like he is a master manipulator.

Rachel Leviss Finds Satisfaction in Watching Tom Sandoval on Special Forces

Analyzing Tom’s Tactics on Reality TV

Rachel didn’t shy away from analyzing how Tom might handle the mentally and physically demanding tasks. She mentioned, It would be very interesting to see his tactics in a situation where it’s encouraged to be manipulative. Her insights delve into the psychology behind reality TV participation.

The Dynamics of Reality TV Participation

The nature of reality TV often emphasizes conflict and manipulation. Given Rachel’s description of Sandoval as a manipulator, it adds an intriguing layer to his participation in the show. Rachel succinctly remarked,Put on your psychology cap for this one ’cause it sounds very entertaining.

Rachel Leviss Finds Satisfaction in Watching Tom Sandoval on Special Forces

Ariana’s Perspective

The involvement of Tom Sandoval in various shows has been a contentious topic with his exes. Ariana Madix previously commented,So she said they kissed. Well, later that night when we were out here, I pressed Tom. He said, well, they actually fucked in her car that night.

My emotions were clearly all over the place, and he was angry at me. This reaction underscores the complex emotional web surrounding these reality TV participants.

The Reality Show Landscape

Sandoval isn’t new to reality television drama. His engagement in Special Forces, known for putting celebrities through extreme survival challenges, introduces him into another tough scenario alongside stars like JoJo Siwa and Dez Bryant. According to a recent trailer,I intend to take a beating.

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