New Star Wars Merch Confirms Reys Journey After Rise Of Skywalker

No one expected to peek into Rey’s mind post-The Rise of Skywalker so soon, but new merchandise has given us a glimpse. In a video by Nick Tierce, well reported by Gizmodo, new Kyber crystal collectibles from Disneyland’s Galaxy’s Edge have been unveiled. These crystals, when combined with holocrons, reveal the thoughts of various Jedi and Sith characters, including new quotes from Rey, shedding light on her journey and mission statement following the events of the sequel trilogy.

New Star Wars Merch Confirms Reys Journey After Rise Of Skywalker

The revelations include reflections on her heritage, why she adopted the Skywalker name, and how she plans to rebuild the Jedi Order. One standout quote is: I came from something evil. Sometimes I still want to run from that. But I’ve learned there are things stronger than blood and that the smallest light can push back the deepest darkness. This powerful introspection not only highlights her inner struggles but also emphasizes her resolve.

Reys Motivations Unveiled

Rey articulates her reason for taking up the Skywalker name: I took the Skywalker name to honor them and their legacy. Her journey with Luke, Leia, and Ben Solo profoundly influenced her path. Reflecting on Ben’s wisdom, she states: Ben was right about letting go of the past. But not about killing it. My task is to make something new. Not by killing the past but by building on all that’s good in it.

New Star Wars Merch Confirms Reys Journey After Rise Of Skywalker

This sentiment signals her embracing a balanced approach to forming a new Jedi Order rooted in lightside traditions while acknowledging past lessons. It’s clear that Rey aims to create another chapter for the Jedi that honors its history rather than completely rewriting it.

Insights From Galaxys Edge

The merchandise also provides insight into Rey’s broader understanding of the Force. One quote revealing this is: The Force is so much bigger than any creed, any philosophy, anything that can fit in a bunch of books. Master Skywalker taught me that during my first lesson on Ahch-To, expressing an inclusive perspective of the Force beyond traditional Jedi doctrines.

New Star Wars Merch Confirms Reys Journey After Rise Of Skywalker

The backdrop for these insights originates from new Kyber crystal collectibles now available at Galaxy’s Edge. When visitors insert different crystals into holocrons or hand-built lightsabers at Savi’s Workshop, they unlock pieces of character wisdom, offering an immersive experience intertwined with canonical lore. Nick Tierce elaborated on using reputation meters in Galaxy’s Edge, hinting at how guest interactions might shape their fictional stories within the Star Wars universe.

Reflections On The Last Jedi

Additional quotes show Rey’s reflection on key moments from The Last Jedi. She recalls offering Luke his old lightsaber:I met Luke Skywalker, I offered him his lightsaber and he tossed it away. But the Force doesn’t always make things easy. So you keep trying; that’s all you can do.

New Star Wars Merch Confirms Reys Journey After Rise Of Skywalker

This anecdote encapsulates her perseverance amid adversity and underlines significant lessons learned from Luke’s initial reluctance and eventual acceptance of his role.

A Glimpse Into Future Expectations

The timing of these collectibles intrigues fans as they come ahead of official promotion for Rey’s New Jedi Order film. Nick Tierce confirmed that these lines were recorded two years ago: This second wave of Kybers was written and approved over two years ago.

New Star Wars Merch Confirms Reys Journey After Rise Of Skywalker

This vintage recording timeline suggests a continuity in Rey’s narrative direction before formal plans for the new movie were announced. These items bridge current content with anticipated future storylines, providing fans with cohesive character development threads running through various media formats.

A Richer Understanding Of Reys Mission

This new merchandise enriches our understanding of Rey Skywalker’s mission post-The Rise of Skywalker. It offers a layered perspective into her ongoing struggle between light and dark while laying foundational thoughts guiding her rebuilding efforts for the Jedi Order. The Kyber crystal quotes encapsulate an evolving yet reverent approach towards legacy and renewal within the Star Wars universe.

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