New Lord of the Rings Anime Film The War of the Rohirrim Explores Helm Hammerhand’s Saga

The first film adaptations of The Lord of the Rings were animated, and the upcoming installment will follow suit. Helmed by renowned director Kenji Kamiyama—known for blending traditional 2D animation with cutting-edge CGI in works like Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex—the anime film titled Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim will explore the story of Helm Hammerhand, Rohan’s legendary king.

New Lord of the Rings Anime Film The War of the Rohirrim Explores Helm Hammerhand’s Saga

The film departs from Ralph Bakshi’s 1978 Lord of the Rings adaptation by embracing anime, a shift endorsed by producer Philippa Boyens.

When they suggested anime, that’s when my brain really started whirring,” Boyens tells Entertainment Weekly. “Immediately, the idea of telling this story came to me. They had a number of different ones they were going to pitch me, but I was quite bossy, and I was like, ‘No, I know exactly what this needs.’

I immediately felt that it would work for anime because it’s so character-based and also contained within its own world. It speaks to certain things that work really well with Japanese storytelling.

The Epic Tale of Helm Hammerhand

The film recounts Helm Hammerhand’s saga, voiced by veteran actor Brian Cox. Known for leading his people with iron fists, Helm’s tale finds depth in Rohan’s intricate history. Director Kamiyama focuses on bringing this complex character to life, illustrating his journey beyond just battles.

The Alluring Character of Héra

An important narrative addition is Helm’s daughter Héra, voiced by Gaia Wise. Philippa Boyens elaborates, We know Helm has a daughter… [and] she was central to the conflict that happened. But myself, and especially screenwriter Phoebe Gittins, were drawn to her. We could feel the weight of being that unnamed daughter, which immediately piqued our interest: Who was she? How did she live?

New Lord of the Rings Anime Film The War of the Rohirrim Explores Helm Hammerhand’s Saga

Wise compares her character Héra to Hayao Miyazaki’s heroines rather than to classic Tolkien figures like Arwen or Eowyn. She would lay down her life for her people,” Wise says. “Comparing her to Arwen and Eowyn, they’re already fully formed women. What I loved about Héra is she’s fierce, she’s complex, she’s rebellious.

New Lord of the Rings Anime Film The War of the Rohirrim Explores Helm Hammerhand’s Saga

A Formidable Antagonist in Wulf

The antagonist Wulf, brought to life by Luke Pasqualino, promises to be a standout figure. Unlike classic Tolkien villains who often wield supernatural powers or dark ambitions, Wulf’s danger lies in his humanness. Boyens asserts, We have an exceptionally great antagonist in this story… He’s been one of my favorite antagonists to have written across all of the films I’ve worked on.

He speaks so directly to a lot of the crises that we’re facing today,” continues Boyens. “He’s a really fascinating character and exciting too. You don’t know what he’s going to do, and some of the choices that he makes are just breathtaking in a good way.

A Fresh Take on Tolkien’s World

This adaptation is set apart not only by its medium but also by its creators’ commitment to authenticity and innovation. Peter Jackson’s involvement as an executive producer ensures fidelity to Tolkien’s essence while allowing for new creative interpretations.

New Lord of the Rings Anime Film The War of the Rohirrim Explores Helm Hammerhand’s Saga

The anime Tolkien project by New Line and Warner Bros. will not remake the same story,” explains Boyens.

A Unique Vision Executed with Passion

The narrative expansion into animation required delicate handling to blend Tolkien’s complex lore with anime’s storytelling techniques—a process meticulously overseen by both Boyens and screenwriter Phoebe Gittins.

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