New Cast Members Join Goosebumps Season 2 for Fresh Thrills

The much-anticipated Goosebumps series is back with fresh faces for its second season. Six new cast members have joined the ranks, bringing a mix of new energy and excitement to the show based on R.L. Stine’s beloved books.

New Cast Members Join Goosebumps Season 2 for Fresh Thrills

The new season dives into the intricate lives of five high schoolers – Zack Morris, Isa Briones, Miles McKenna, Ana Yi Puig, and Will Price. They embark on an investigation into the mysterious death of Harold Biddle from three decades ago, uncovering hidden secrets tied to their own parents.

New Cast Members Join Goosebumps Season 2 for Fresh Thrills

Season 2’s Major Additions

Leading the additions is David Schwimmer, fresh off his iconic role as Ross Geller in Friends. He steps into a dramatic new role as Anthony. Described as a former botany professor and divorced parent to teenage twins, Anthony’s life is complicated further by responsibilities towards his aging parent while managing his kids for the summer.

New Cast Members Join Goosebumps Season 2 for Fresh Thrills

Crew and Visionaries Behind the Series

Nicholas Stoller and Rob Letterman developed Goosebumps for television and serve as executive producers. Hilary Winston joins them as the executive producer and showrunner. This trio has been key in crafting the anthology series that honors the spirit of Stine’s original works while infusing it with modern storytelling techniques.

New Cast Members Join Goosebumps Season 2 for Fresh Thrills

A Legacy Continues

Goosebumps, rooted deeply in 90s nostalgia, continues captivating fans with its eerie tales and thrilling adventures. The illustrated book covers that once sparked imaginations now take on a new life within this visually engaging show.

With all these exciting developments, fans can look forward to more chills and mystery-filled episodes in Season 2. Stay tuned as we follow this gripping storyline that ties past secrets to present intrigues!

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