National Treasure 3 Update Director and Cast Confirm Eagerness, Script Progress

Original National Treasure director Jon Turteltaub has provided an enlightening update regarding the highly anticipated National Treasure 3. Confirming that the franchise could see a comeback with all principal actors eager to return, Turteltaub’s comments shed light on both script progress and timelines.

A Passionate Return for the Cast

In a recent appearance on the National Treasure Hunt podcast, Turteltaub revealed that the primary actors, including Nicolas Cage, are onboard for the sequel. Reflecting on their previous collaborations, he stated, There’s no one who doesn’t want to make it. We all want to make it because we all have tremendous affection not just for it but for each other.

National Treasure 3 Update Director and Cast Confirm Eagerness, Script Progress

Progress on the Script

Turteltaub confirmed exciting news about the script being crafted by a skilled writer. We’re working on the script right now. Hopefully [Cage] likes it, but it’s really good. So I think we’ll get it to him shortly. said producer Jerry Bruckheimer, giving further optimism to fans awaiting National Treasure 3.

Nicolas Cage’s Role

National Treasure 3 Update Director and Cast Confirm Eagerness, Script Progress

Cage’s portrayal of Benjamin Franklin Gates has been central to the franchise’s success. Despite recent hesitations from Cage about continuing in his iconic role, Bruckheimer remains optimistic: We have a brilliant writer working on it right now, underscoring ongoing investment and commitment to bringing Cage back.

Diane Kruger’s Contributions

National Treasure 3 Update Director and Cast Confirm Eagerness, Script Progress

Diane Kruger’s involvement has been crucial as well. As an aside, a fan aptly commented, I would watch Diane Kruger read the phone book., capturing her impeccable appeal and performance in National Treasure.

Pushing Through Modern Challenges

National Treasure 3 Update Director and Cast Confirm Eagerness, Script Progress

Turteltaub highlighted potential challenges due to changing contexts since the first movie’s debut. He noted: The world changes. Our culture has changed a lot since the first movie was made.. This sentiment underlines efforts to ensure relevance and contemporary alignment in the evolving cultural landscape.

Anticipations with Sean Bean

Adding another layer of excitement for fans, Turteltaub hinted at a possible return of Sean Bean’s villainous character Ian Howe. Though cautious about detailing plot specifics, he teased: The answer is yes… or about to be yes.

National Treasure 3 Update Director and Cast Confirm Eagerness, Script Progress

Final Thoughts on National Treasure 3

The hopes for National Treasure 3, while still simmering on the edges of Hollywood’s project pipeline, benefit significantly from committed voices like Turteltaub and Bruckheimer advocating its fruition.

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