Mel Gibson to Direct Lethal Weapon 5 Confirmed to be in the Works

A fresh update has emerged regarding the eagerly awaited sequel, Lethal Weapon 5. In a recent interview, Mel Gibson has confirmed that the project is still very much alive. This announcement comes at a time when classic buddy cop franchises are experiencing a resurgence.

Mel Gibson to Direct Lethal Weapon 5 Confirmed to be in the Works

Per Collider, speaking on the Inspire Me podcast, Gibson said, I’m gonna direct the fifth film in the Lethal Weapon series. Richard Donner, who did the other four, sadly passed away and he was a good friend, and he kind of tasked me with carrying the flag home on that one. So it’ll be an honor for me to do that. This news arrives after Donner’s death, who had directed all four previous entries in the series.

Gibson revealed that Donner had worked extensively on the screenplay before passing. He shared, [Richard Donner] had gotten a fair way into writing the screenplay and we’ve used what was there. We kept kind of poking at it, working it and I’m pretty happy with it, it’s good, I had a lot of fun doing it.

Lethal Weapon Series Continues with Familiar Faces

The franchise originally made its debut in 1987. Featuring both Gibson and Danny Glover, the duo quickly became iconic as Martin Riggs and Roger Murtaugh. The pair’s on-screen chemistry was evident from the start and solidified their places in action movie history.

Balancing Comedy and Serious Issues

Gibson also teased some thematic elements we can expect in Lethal Weapon 5: It’s funny, but it’s also pretty serious too, it tackles a couple of hard issues so I’m looking forward to it.

Mel Gibson to Direct Lethal Weapon 5 Confirmed to be in the Works

This development took its time to come to fruition. Back in 2020, Donner indicated that he was working on what he planned to be his final film as a director. Sadly, he passed away in 2021 at the age of 91. Following his death, Gibson mentioned stepping in to direct.

A Potential Hit Amidst Buddy Cop Resurgence

The news about Lethal Weapon 5 comes at a promising time. Entering the market alongside other revived buddy cop series like Bad Boys: Ride or Die, there’s significant potential for another hit. Despite no release date being set yet, anticipation continues to build among fans and critics alike.

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