Mel Gibson and Danny Glover Reunite for Lethal Weapon 5


Key Points
1. Mel Gibson confirms his return as Martin Riggs in the fifth installment of the Lethal Weapon franchise.
2. Danny Glover is set to reprise his role as Roger Murtaugh.
3. The new film is based on a script by Richard Donner, revised by Jez Butterworth.


Mel Gibson, known for his iconic role as Martin Riggs, has confirmed his return to the beloved character in the fifth installment of the Lethal Weapon franchise. Speaking on the Inspire Me Podcast, he shared exciting updates on the film’s development and his feelings about stepping back into Riggs’ shoes after many years. Gibson’s announcement has generated significant buzz among fans who have long awaited the continuation of this action-packed series.

The upcoming film promises to blend nostalgia with fresh elements, drawing on the rich legacy of the previous movies while introducing new twists to keep the story relevant and engaging. With a blend of humor, action, and deeper themes, Gibson’s return as Riggs marks a significant moment for the franchise. This return is not just a career milestone for Gibson but also a tribute to the late Richard Donner, who directed the first four films and whose vision continues to influence this latest project. The anticipation surrounding Gibson’s return and the new film’s development highlights the enduring popularity and cultural impact of the Lethal Weapon series.

Based On Late Richard Donner’s Script

Mel Gibson and Danny Glover Reunite for Lethal Weapon 5

The new film is based on a script written by the late Richard Donner, who directed the first four movies. Donner was a close friend and collaborator of Gibson’s. You know, Richard Donner, who did the other four, sadly passed away. He was a good friend, and he kind of tasked me with carrying the flag home on that one. It’ll be an honor for me to do that…he had gotten a fair way into the screenplay, Gibson explained.

Gibson also mentioned It’s funny! But it’s also pretty serious too.

Danny Glover Joins The Cast

Mel Gibson and Danny Glover Reunite for Lethal Weapon 5

Danny Glover is also set to reprise his role as Roger Murtaugh. The chemistry between Glover and Gibson was a defining element of the original series. Fans will be eager to see their teamwork once again.

I found the plot had very strong relevance to some of things that are happening today. I can say that.stated Glover.

Jez Butterworth Revised the Richard Donner’s Existing Script

Mel Gibson and Danny Glover Reunite for Lethal Weapon 5

Acclaimed playwright Jez Butterworth has been brought on to revise Donner’s script to make it pertinent to contemporary times while maintaining the essence of the original films. What I was looking to do at that time was write an urban western, said Shane Black about his initial vision for Lethal Weapon.

Honoring Richard Donner’s Legacy

The fifth installment will strive to honor Richard Donner’s legacy while carving its own path. Since Donner passed in July 2021, Gibson wants to ensure that Donner’s vision remains intact in this project. He feels responsible for bringing Donner’s ideas to life faithfully.

Tackling Serious Topics

Mel Gibson and Danny Glover Reunite for Lethal Weapon 5

This upcoming sequel promises to address several serious themes alongside its expected dose of humor and action. Mel Gibson notes that despite keeping some original elements from Donner’s script, new additions are being made to tackle modern-day issues.

The movie is based on a script Donner wrote for it before he passed away, with some adjustments being made by the new team behind the film.

A Long-Awaited Sequel

Mel Gibson and Danny Glover Reunite for Lethal Weapon 5

The Lethal Weapon franchise’s fans have long awaited this sequel. After initial talks of a fifth film surfaced in 2021, this promises to be a fitting tribute and conclusion to one of the most beloved action franchises.

Mel Gibson and Danny Glover Reunite for Lethal Weapon 5
Lethal Weapon
IMDB Rating Various (ranges from 7.6/10 to 6.7/10)
Rotten Tomatoes Rating Various (ranging from 82% to 52%)
Where to Watch/Buy Amazon Prime, HBO Max, Hulu
Director Richard Donner
Producer Joel Silver
Main Cast Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Joe Pesci, Rene Russo
Release Date March 6, 1987; July 7, 1989; May 15, 1992; July 10, 1998
Number of Movies 4
Genre Action, Crime, Thriller
Synopsis The Lethal Weapon series follows LAPD detectives Martin Riggs and Roger Murtaugh as they tackle crime in Los Angeles. The films blend action with humor and explore themes of friendship, loyalty, and justice. Each sequel introduces new characters and higher stakes, culminating in thrilling finales.


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