Meet the Voices Behind Inside Out 2’s Emotions and New Characters

Meet the Voices Behind Inside Out 2’s Emotions and New Characters

A sequel to Pixar’s 2015 box office hit, Inside Out 2 brings viewers back inside the mind of the film’s protagonist, Riley, as she begins a daunting new adventure: adolescence. Joining the ensemble cast of emotions from the first film—Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Disgust—are a host of new complex feelings and burgeoning beliefs to help guide her through this new stage.

Kendra Kramer’s Trip to Pixar

Kendra Kramer is such a natural when she tried voice acting as Joy of Inside Out 2. In an Instagram post on June 13, Kendra shared a video of her trip to Pixar Headquarters in California. She’s in the recording studio portraying the blue-haired character of the 2015 Academy Award-winning movie, whose sequel Inside Out 2 hit Philippine theaters last June 12.

Meet the Voices Behind Inside Out 2’s Emotions and New Characters

Kendra went for the Who made the console orange? scene, which has become a meme on social media. The video also showed Kendra watching her output with Pixar staff and her father, basketball player Doug Kramer. A staff member told her, You’re so good!

Amy Poehler Returns as Joy

Amy Poehler returns to voice Joy, delivering another heartfelt performance that anchors Riley’s emotional journey. Meet the Voices Behind Inside Out 2’s Emotions and New Characters

Joy remains crucial in guiding Riley through the whirlwind of adolescence. Alongside her is Sadness, voiced by Phyllis Smith. These two deliver key memories to this formative land and add depth to Riley’s evolving narrative.

Kendra’s Dream Role

Kendra exclaimed excitement for voice acting: What an experience to try and voice my favorite character in @disneystudios Inside Out 2, Joy! She added, This was soo much fun! Would be a dream to land a role like this!

Her parents showed their support in social media comments. Doug Kramer said We all push Kendra to voice a future character! Hahaha! Let’s go Kenny! while Chesca Garcia Kramer noted it as a core memory!

The New Emotions Join the Fun

The main storyline of Pixar’s Inside Out 2 sees Joy and other prime emotions come into conflict with Anxiety and Riley’s other new emotions that emerge from puberty.Meet the Voices Behind Inside Out 2’s Emotions and New Characters

The Dynamic Behind-The-Scenes

Kendra also got a behind-the-scenes look at how these movies are meticulously made at Pixar studios where she was accompanied by her enthusiastic father.

Meet the Voices Behind Inside Out 2’s Emotions and New Characters

This deeper glance into production connects with fans highlighting the impressive animation process that makes these characters come alive onscreen.

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