Meet the Cast of Netflix’s Thrilling New Movie Under Paris

Under Paris is making waves as a compelling thriller on Netflix, featuring an intriguing blend of scientific discovery and aquatic terror. Let’s delve into the key characters and the talented actors who bring them to life.

The Protagonist Scientist Sophia

Bérénice Bejo, known for her Oscar-nominated performance in The Artist, stars as scientist Sophia. After a tragic past event, she encounters a new threat when she discovers a massive shark swimming in the Seine. Her role is critical, as she navigates the impending disaster that might ensue during Paris’s popular triathlon.

Meet the Cast of Netflix’s Thrilling New Movie Under Paris

Viewers have hailed the film as one of the ‘most terrifying shark movies ever made, urging horror fans to watch it. Bejo’s portrayal of Sophia adds depth and urgency to the film.

A Commanding Performance by Nassim Lyes

Nassim Lyes plays Adil, the Seine River police commander. Lyes has an interesting backstory before acting, being a French National Kickboxing Champ with a background in MMA. He was discovered while working as a waiter in Paris. His role adds a gritty realism to the movie.

Lyes worked previously with director Xavier Gens.

Meet the Cast of Netflix’s Thrilling New Movie Under Paris

Xavier Gens Directorial Flair

Director Xavier Gens, known for his work on Frontier(s) and Mayhem!, skillfully navigates this underwater thriller. The film has received praise for its thrilling action sequences and unique storyline.

Public Reaction and Ratings

The film debuted with a 100% Rotten Tomatoes score, though it now stands at 80% from critics. This shift underscores the film’s polarizing nature but suggests strong critical support.

Meet the Cast of Netflix’s Thrilling New Movie Under Paris

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