Maika Monroe Hints at a Bigger, Darker Sequel to It Follows

David Robert Mitchell‘s 2014 horror hit It Follows left fans clamoring for more, and it looks like those prayers have finally been answered. Maika Monroe, the star of the film, has teased that the upcoming sequel, They Follow, promises to be bigger, darker, and even more twisted than its predecessor.

Maika Monroe Hints at a Bigger, Darker Sequel to It Follows

Script Tease Leaves Fans Hungry for More

The details about the new plot are shrouded in secrecy, but Monroe assures fans that the script is thrilling. Speaking to Collider, she shared, It’s so fucking good. Reading it was the craziest thing ever. Her words hint at a sequel that not only matches but possibly surpasses the original’s cult status.

A Visionary Director Returns

The original director, David Robert Mitchell, returns to helm this much-anticipated sequel. Known for his unique cinematic style, Mitchell has been highly selective with projects, and Monroe emphasized that he wouldn’t make a sequel unless he believed it could top the first one. She said, The whole movie transformed at that point. It was changing the game in the genre.

Maika Monroe Hints at a Bigger, Darker Sequel to It Follows

Monroe’s Excitement and Challenges

The role is set to be both rewarding and challenging for Monroe. Reflecting on her experience with the script, she expresses immense excitement, I am so excited for this role… It’s going to be incredibly challenging, for sure, but so fulfilling.

She also hinted at some unexpected developments for her character Jay. With such glowing praise from Monroe herself, it seems fans are in for an intense and captivating continuation of Jay’s journey.

Maika Monroe Hints at a Bigger, Darker Sequel to It Follows

A Glimpse at What’s Coming Next

While no firm details about the plot or returning cast members have been disclosed, Monroe mentioned fans would know “soon enough.” It’s clear that expectations are sky-high for this sequel. In the meantime, viewers can catch Monroe in Longlegs, directed by Osgood Perkins and co-starring Nicolas Cage.

The Legacy of It Follows

Maika Monroe Hints at a Bigger, Darker Sequel to It Follows

For those unfamiliar with the original film’s chilling premise, Jay (played by Monroe) becomes cursed after a sexual encounter, haunted by a relentless entity only she can see. The unique horror concept drew acclaim for its fresh take on horror conventions and was lauded for its atmosphere and tension.

The success of It Follows, described as “one of the most striking American horror films in years,” was a game-changer in modern horror. Indeed, fans and critics alike eagerly await what new twists Mitchell will bring in They Follow.

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