Lupita Nyong’o’s Unique Preparation for A Quiet Place Day One Cat Therapy

A Quiet Place: Day One–the latest addition to the popular horror franchise–is set to release this Friday, June 28. Paramount Pictures has dropped a new trailer that plunges viewers into scenes of sheer noise and chaos, driven by audibly-motivated extra-terrestrial creatures devastating New York City. Among the film’s standout characters is Frodo, a domestic housecat who unwittingly becomes involved in the human-alien conflict.

Leading the human story is Lupita Nyong’o as Samira, with her feline companion Frodo adding an interesting dynamic. In one intense scene, Frodo accidentally bumps into a small bell with his tail while his owner Samira and her friend Eric, played by Joseph Quinn from Stranger Things, watch in horror. The trio’s efforts to remain silent underlines the film’s tension and stakes.

Lupita Nyong’o’s Unique Preparation for A Quiet Place Day One Cat Therapy

Eric’s Thrilling Escape

Fans of cat thrillers need not despair, at least for now. The trailer shows Eric running through the city, clutching Frodo as an enormous alien chases him. In a final adrenaline-pumping moment, he jumps off a broken bridge into water below. Whether they survive remains ambiguous, but the suggestion is positive in that particular scene.

Lupita Nyong’o’s Unique Preparation for A Quiet Place Day One Cat Therapy

The Directorial Vision

Directed by Michael Sarnoski with John Krasinski co-writing, the movie introduces a fresh narrative. Instead of the Abbott family’s saga, it follows Samira and Frodo from the first day of the alien invasion in New York City. For Sarnoski, it was crucial to utilize real cats in scenes rather than CGI alternatives.It was important to me to have a real cat that you could feel connected to,” Sarnoski explained.

The production team collaborated with an animal-training company from London, evaluating many cats before selecting Schnitzel and Nico as Frodo’s stand-ins.We just had a couple days where we would sit in the office, they’d bring in a dozen cats,” Sarnoski shared. “Schnitzel and Nico were clear choices because they had that ‘soul behind their eyes.’

Lupita Nyong’o’s Unique Preparation for A Quiet Place Day One Cat Therapy

A Bonding Experience

Sarnoski also revealed that bonding with cat actors involves treating them with great calmness and patience.For them to work well on screen, it required just sitting quietly on set and not riling them up, he noted.

Set against the chaotic backdrop introduced by its trailer scenes,A Quiet Place: Day One promises to blend heart-pounding tension with unique character dynamics—human and feline alike.

Lupita Nyong’o’s Unique Preparation for A Quiet Place Day One Cat Therapy

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